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Thread: Rethink the J frame life style - Ellifritz piece

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by feudist View Post
    Isn't Ellifritz the one that repeatedly writes articles (and a book) sneering at paranoid gun owners for not vacationing in Cartel owned neighborhoods unarmed or visiting countries on the State Department "Do Not Travel" list? Something about not being afraid to engage with life and unique cultures and his balls are bigger than your sad mincy balls?
    That Ellifritz?
    Now we're shooting cars to death and taking down the Mumbai terrorists with our...CCW pistol?
    Unfortunately, that's the cost of making your bill money from doing that sort of stuff. You are either getting bombarded with people looking for a hardware question, or you have to put out articles with today's events to stay on their calendar for classes. Telling those folks that they're statistically unlikely to be able to do anything about it does 2 things:
    1) It insults them, and they'll tell their friends about how dumb you are
    2) It ensures you'll never get them to sign up for a class - a class that you use in some fashion to fund your bills/lifestyle

    Take the bits and pieces that have good points for different contexts that you learned from, and drive on. It isn't worth trying to square a continuity of any person for decades of life expereinces.

    He has some good ideas and viewpoints, some of which may not apply to all people in all circumstances.
    Last edited by jeep45238; 01-05-2025 at 05:06 PM.
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Blackburn View Post
    Sara Adams, former CIA analyst and targeter said "Al-Qaeda alone has sent at least 1500 people to the United States. They have a 2025 multi-coordinated, multi city plot to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden. Al-Qaeda is actually who helped plan the Hamas attacks in Israel. The Hamas attack was a dress rehearsal/practice attack and then the big attack is going to be in the United States and then in four countries in Europe. As far as a time line all we know now is that the attacks are planned for 2025."

    And they have been very well funded at our expense the last 4 years.

    Bernard Hudson former career CIA Case Officer said " you cannot have an effective CT program with open borders."

    And other intel sources have confirmed Misagh-2's (MANPADS) have made it into to the US. The Misagh-2 (Also known as Mithaq-2 is an Iranian man-portable infrared-guided surface-to-air missile.
    We have so many soft targets.
    If you want to do real damage, infrastructure. Electric seems easy, both physical and cyber.
    If you want to do terror, schools, mass gatherings. Mega churches any Sunday. (seems a waste of resources to me)

    When I'm driving by DFW and see a big airliner inside pistol distance, I think about how to defend against that exposure.

    I'm heartened to know that we can't be put down.
    Hurt, sure. But taken over, not currently possible.

    So, carry what you feel is appropriate for your reality. Better than not.
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

  3. #23
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyGBiv View Post
    When I'm driving by DFW and see a big airliner inside pistol distance, I think about how to defend against that exposure.
    Just after 9/11 my partner and I were at a local restaurant for lunch on the west side of MIA...where you could watch the jets coming and going immediately overhead. You could almost hit them with a rock.

    Our waiter who knew we were feds came over to tell us that there were a couple of guys in a vehicle in the parking lot who were watching the planes coming in with binoculars, recording something in a ledger, and acting suspiciously.

    Ended up going outside, observed the two men, braced them and got them out of the car. They claimed they were some kind of aviation nerds, who, like train nerds would do, followed the movement of various aircraft around the country and world. They had a ledger full of comings, goings, tail numbers, cities etc.

    I didn't like it at all, searched them, searched the vehicle, and ran their info through our comms center. Following that, I detained them until we could turn them over to the Bureau for further investigative steps since it was not the sort of thing my group would have pursued ordinarily.

    It would have been very easy for them to have used any of several types of weapons to kick off a very bad day in South FL had they a mind to do so.

    Not to mention interrupting our lunch.
    Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

  4. #24
    Four String Fumbler Joe in PNG's Avatar
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    I'd be more worried about drones deliberately put on landing approaches over someone trying to pot a 737 with a Glock.
    "You win 100% of the fights you avoid. If you're not there when it happens, you don't lose." - William Aprill
    "I've owned a guitar for 31 years and that sure hasn't made me a musician, let alone an expert. It's made me a guy who owns a guitar."- BBI

  5. #25
    Site Supporter Norville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by feudist View Post
    Isn't Ellifritz the one that repeatedly writes articles (and a book) sneering at paranoid gun owners for not vacationing in Cartel owned neighborhoods unarmed or visiting countries on the State Department "Do Not Travel" list? Something about not being afraid to engage with life and unique cultures and his balls are bigger than your sad mincy balls?
    That Ellifritz?
    Now we're shooting cars to death and taking down the Mumbai terrorists with our...CCW pistol?
    If you’ve ever met, or even seen pictures of Greg, he can go anywhere he wants and not worry about anything. I do find it amusing that “Gorrillafritz” feels the need to start carrying heavy when he preaches avoidance- “not my monkeys, not my circus” a lot.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe in PNG View Post
    I'd be more worried about drones deliberately put on landing approaches over someone trying to pot a 737 with a Glock.
    The guy with the GLOCK has ambition, optimisim, determination, a dream, and a willingness to get out there and do it. The other guys have a web browser which has already plotted the flight path of every tail number in the air, crusty Xbox controller, and a remote control helicopter. They may be more likely to lazily succeed while GLOCK guy gets no respect.

  7. #27
    Stopping a terrorist attack doesn’t make my top 10 list, or even my top 50 list of things that I worry about, and for which I carry a defensive pistol. Things I am much more worried about are three coyotes attacking my puppy, a bear getting sideways with my family, being bothered by people when I am camping out in the desert, or frankly just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can’t imagine a J frame being a satisfactory solution for any of the things that I worry about. I do recognize that a J frame might be a great additional firearm for situations like big winter jackets, and as a snake shot launcher. I have come to that opinion through a bunch of years of life, and without the help of the internet. Others may not worry about the things I worry about, and may find a J frame very satisfactory. Different strokes for different folks.

    Small pistols with red dots have become so capable, that it is easy to find something very concealable that will give you 85 percent or more of your full size gun performance. I was shooting a difficult array earlier today, consisting of a tuxedo target at 13 yards, and three eight inch steel at 15-17 yards.

    I have been shooting a Glock 47 in competition the last few months that looks like this.

    Name:  IMG_5619.jpg
Views: 762
Size:  77.6 KB

    Because YVK is enthralled with the G26 lately, I brought this one to the range today.

    Name:  IMG_5573.jpg
Views: 748
Size:  71.1 KB

    After shooting a bunch with the G47, I had Charlie film me with the G26 shooting the same array. This video is the G47 and my first run with the G26, easily meeting my 85 percent threshold.

    Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Blackburn View Post
    Sara Adams, former CIA analyst and targeter said "Al-Qaeda alone has sent at least 1500 people to the United States. They have a 2025 multi-coordinated, multi city plot to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden. Al-Qaeda is actually who helped plan the Hamas attacks in Israel. The Hamas attack was a dress rehearsal/practice attack and then the big attack is going to be in the United States and then in four countries in Europe. As far as a time line all we know now is that the attacks are planned for 2025."

    And they have been very well funded at our expense the last 4 years.

    Bernard Hudson former career CIA Case Officer said " you cannot have an effective CT program with open borders."

    And other intel sources have confirmed Misagh-2's (MANPADS) have made it into to the US. The Misagh-2 (Also known as Mithaq-2 is an Iranian man-portable infrared-guided surface-to-air missile.
    Sorry to rain on the doom porn parade.

    Sarah Adams et al are selling fear and their personal brand.

    Sicario, act of Valor etc are fictional entertainment designed sell clicks and views.

    Successful attacks in the homeland post 9/11, including the recent NOL have been US persons radicalized inside the U.S..

    Please provide a credible open source citation re: Iranian ManPads “making it into the U.S.”

    As for Sean Ryan, Sam Shoemaker and the other Alex Jones style “never let a good tragedy go to waste” people are parasites. Pay attention to those who exploit things like this for personal gain. Remember who they are.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by feudist View Post
    Isn't Ellifritz the one that repeatedly writes articles (and a book) sneering at paranoid gun owners for not vacationing in Cartel owned neighborhoods unarmed or visiting countries on the State Department "Do Not Travel" list? Something about not being afraid to engage with life and unique cultures and his balls are bigger than your sad mincy balls?
    That Ellifritz?
    Now we're shooting cars to death and taking down the Mumbai terrorists with our...CCW pistol?
    Haha, yep, that Greg Ellifritz. The same guy who caught Covid in Latin America during early 2020 (back when we thought it was the second coming of the Spanish Flu) and would have died if he didn’t hide it and lie during the screening to board a homebound flight.
    My posts only represent my personal opinion and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or official policies of any employer, past or present. Obvious spelling errors are likely the result of an iPhone keyboard.

  10. #30
    Site Supporter feudist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WobblyPossum View Post
    Haha, yep, that Greg Ellifritz. The same guy who caught Covid in Latin America during early 2020 (back when we thought it was the second coming of the Spanish Flu) and would have died if he didn’t hide it and lie during the screening to board a homebound flight.
    Don't hate the Playa...appreciate the technique.

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