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Thread: Rethink the J frame life style - Ellifritz piece

  1. #11
    If I tab over to the gun industry burnout thread tab, read it, have a laugh, close this computer, and go outside; I will be hammered with wind and temperatures well below zero before factoring windchill. It will take me a half hour to bareboot to a favorite brookside hangout a mile away; or about the same to the nearest store. To get to a belt gun, I'll need to bite off a glove and hook past three layers of insulation. If the decocker/rear sight/heel of the butt eats through or catches on and tears my vest, I'm out $pyder.

    Or pull a snub out of my shell jacket pocket. The same pocket my hand is already in, staying warm.

    If I wind up a guest in a less-than-carry-friendly home, I need to sweat with at least my vest still on to cover a gat. In front of people who know for a fact that I run hot and will pester me about being "uncomfortable in that".

    Or casually pull the snub from my outer pocket as my hand comes out and slip it into my pants pocket while ditching my clothes.

    Let's step over to summer when humidity is stewing me despite short sleeves and shorts. I'm ~supposed~ to have an Easily ConcealableTM G19-sized pistol, grip tape because sandpaper is famously comfortable against the ol' love handles 16 hours a day, 1-2 spare magazines with extended baseplates because the flush just don't poke me and print enough as it is, pocket knife, fixed blade, OC (but not the ASP keyring units, those aren't serious enough*) and/or impact weapon, phone, ID card, card for a lawyer on retainer, tourniquet, other first aid, flashlight with more lumens than the second coming of Christ, red dot on the pistol, fresh batteries in the dot with a written replacement schedule, spare batteries in a drawer at home with their own replacement schedule to be sure the one in the optic even can be fresh, rugged hiking boots or trail runners as my feet sweat into puddles, sunglasses, pouch for the shades when indoors, corrective lenses, cleaners for the squints or spare contacts in case one falls out or fouls, a car key the size of a tamagochi digipet as thin cut metal keys are extinct, and Be The Grey Man. While everyone else is in sandals, elastic waist gyms shorts, and a T-shirt.

    Or I can look back at my posts in the What Your Carry thread over in the wheelgun cult subforum and remind myself that I already have a proven system over nearly half a decade that works for my life style 100% of the time and has me carrying more than most two other people while not looking it at all and blending in to the people with whom I was born and raised.

    If I want to avoid the vanity of self-centered reflection, I can look at my friend with the new snub I'v also discussed in the revolver sub. He usually had his comuuuuuuunity-approved GLOCK 43X on when seeing me in the old days. Now he merely ALWAYS has a scandium .38 AIWB or in a pocket when around me, with his lady, at home, around town, across the state, etc.

    Don't get me started on those immature and unserious freaks who think that grown me should wear tucked shirts. They're just not gonna make it. The defective bloodline will probably die off in two more weeks. Real men dress seriously - like Kurt Cobain if he'd turned into a yuppie rather than mute his ears from Courtney Love's BPD bullshit with a 12 gauge remote control.

    * Unlike Sabre Red, made but such a trustworthy and upstanding company as to put its name on shit twist-lock cannisters while also licensing its use out to not-at-all-stupid stun flashlights manufactured of nothing but the finest remelted plastic army men in the land of our great ally, the People's Republic of China. Or POM. You can trust POM because they advertise on Youtube and early unit housing broke off, dropping the cannister wherever the Gods Of Cheap Adhesives And Brittle Polymers deigned appropriate, but a couple SMEs said "trust me bro" while at least most took ad money so don't trust your lying eyes. Why do we have an industry burnout thread, again?

  2. #12
    Sara Adams, former CIA analyst and targeter said "Al-Qaeda alone has sent at least 1500 people to the United States. They have a 2025 multi-coordinated, multi city plot to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden. Al-Qaeda is actually who helped plan the Hamas attacks in Israel. The Hamas attack was a dress rehearsal/practice attack and then the big attack is going to be in the United States and then in four countries in Europe. As far as a time line all we know now is that the attacks are planned for 2025."

    And they have been very well funded at our expense the last 4 years.

    Bernard Hudson former career CIA Case Officer said " you cannot have an effective CT program with open borders."

    And other intel sources have confirmed Misagh-2's (MANPADS) have made it into to the US. The Misagh-2 (Also known as Mithaq-2 is an Iranian man-portable infrared-guided surface-to-air missile.
    Are you loyal to the constitution or the “institution”?

  3. #13
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Why does anyone give a crap about what someone else thinks about one's daily regimen or load out? Who knows their environs and requirements better than themselves?

    When I reached retirement age, I discovered Duluth cargo pants / shorts. And the bonus is that they are perfectly acceptable in my area of operation...which is a haven for hiking, backpacking and mountain biking. If I don't think something is appropriate, realistic or pertinent to carry, I don't. If I do...then it's the opposite.

    BTW, WTF is a tucked in shirt?
    Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

  4. #14
    Member MVS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCT125US View Post
    So a "better" gun would have helped those who got run over? How about a spare mag? Would that have helped them avoid the truck?

    Since we're playing dress up, how about playing the character who avoids stupid people, at stupid times, in stupid places.

    Since I was in bed at 11:30, the gun I didn't have on me was irrelevant.
    From the article reviewing a bunch of terrorist attacks and likely possibilities,

    "The attacks are coming. Prepare yourself and your family. Do your best to avoid symbolic targets and large crowds of people. Read up about how to prevent a vehicle run down attack. Carry a “real” gun whenever you leave the house. Most of all, be a step ahead of the terrorists so that you and you loved ones have enough forewarning that they might be able to escape at the earliest possible option."

  5. #15
    Four String Fumbler Joe in PNG's Avatar
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    I'mma go out on a limb, and suggest that the places a planned mass terrorist attack are most likely to occur are generally in the locals that don't allow the carry of either J Frames or Glocks*.

    Even Ferrniers can figure out where the Gun Free Zones are.

    *And if they do deign to let the unconnected peasants tote, it will be with some arbitrary mag limits.
    "You win 100% of the fights you avoid. If you're not there when it happens, you don't lose." - William Aprill
    "I've owned a guitar for 31 years and that sure hasn't made me a musician, let alone an expert. It's made me a guy who owns a guitar."- BBI

  6. #16
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe in PNG View Post
    I'mma go out on a limb, and suggest that the places a planned mass terrorist attack are most likely to occur are generally in the locals that don't allow the carry of either J Frames or Glocks*.

    Even Ferrniers can figure out where the Gun Free Zones are.

    *And if they do deign to let the unconnected peasants tote, it will be with some arbitrary mag limits.
    Dude, not everyone in the Walmart parking lot is a "foreign" terrorist. There are plenty of homegrown yay-hoos. Be prepared.

    (For the record, I don't shop at Walmart, though I have ordered on their online site for delivery on occasion over the years.)
    Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

  7. #17
    Four String Fumbler Joe in PNG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blues View Post
    Dude, not everyone in the Walmart parking lot is a "foreign" terrorist. There are plenty of homegrown yay-hoos. Be prepared.
    (For the record, I don't shop at Walmart, though I have ordered on their online site for delivery on occasion over the years.)
    Yah, most of the land manatees found there are domestically produced.
    "You win 100% of the fights you avoid. If you're not there when it happens, you don't lose." - William Aprill
    "I've owned a guitar for 31 years and that sure hasn't made me a musician, let alone an expert. It's made me a guy who owns a guitar."- BBI

  8. #18
    Site Supporter feudist's Avatar
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    Isn't Ellifritz the one that repeatedly writes articles (and a book) sneering at paranoid gun owners for not vacationing in Cartel owned neighborhoods unarmed or visiting countries on the State Department "Do Not Travel" list? Something about not being afraid to engage with life and unique cultures and his balls are bigger than your sad mincy balls?
    That Ellifritz?
    Now we're shooting cars to death and taking down the Mumbai terrorists with our...CCW pistol?

  9. #19
    Site Supporter HeavyDuty's Avatar
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    Not very bright but does lack ambition
    I know the referenced author is a someone and I ain’t, but I don’t buy it. Rule one of surviving crime is avoidance, not up arming.

    Quote Originally Posted by SCCY Marshal View Post
    …while ditching my clothes.
    Let me guess - there is a key bowl, too?

    BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
    revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”

  10. #20
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by feudist View Post
    Isn't Ellifritz the one that repeatedly writes articles (and a book) sneering at paranoid gun owners for not vacationing in Cartel owned neighborhoods unarmed or visiting countries on the State Department "Do Not Travel" list? Something about not being afraid to engage with life and unique cultures and his balls are bigger than your sad mincy balls?
    That Ellifritz?
    Now we're shooting cars to death and taking down the Mumbai terrorists with our...CCW pistol?
    We need a "guffaw" emoji.
    Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

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