A g26 or slim line Glock is easy to conceal and very capable. I don’t worry about a terror attack, I try to stay observant of my surrounding and my worry stops there. But, if I’m going to get into a fight I want something that gives me a good chance of winning. Our city (not very big) has been hit with an influx of young gang bangers robbing people in groups of three. My 26 gives me a fighting chance, a g19 means each get 5 HST if I’m not already dead.
Situation dictates the gear.
Weird but random: I was thinking about how the phaser delivered enough energy to effectively vaporize/disintegrate/incinerate a human. Seems like a negligent discharge would have resulted in a depressurizing hole in the hull of a few starships.
I'm sure there's some continuity-saving semi-science-y "But ackshually" to avoid this problem.
I once pointed out that accelerating to the speed of light as shown in movies/tv would result in the occupants becoming a smear on the rear bulkhead. I was rewarded with 4 condescending pages explaining something called "Inertial Dampeners" and how dumb I was not to know about them.
NERD - IIRC, the ships have forcefields that slam on to control depressurization. Also, IIRC, on Deep Space Nine they had a conventional firearm that was also a transporter so it could transport a moving bullet to another room and shoot you. Didn't see that episode. For concealed engery weapons - the Weapons Shops of Isher was the LGS of choice. Guns came with defensive forcefields and could even get ring models. IIRC, also, they only fired in SD.
Cloud Yeller of the Boomer Age, My continued existence is an exercise in nostalgia.
Thank you for venturing back to the original topic.
There are times I carry a j frame. When I do I carry one strip in another pocket. There are times I carry my 43 and when I do I carry an additional mag in my pocket. When I carry my 26 or 19 I rarely carry a spare and I also don't "upgun" if my family is going with me or going to a bigger town I'm less familiar with. I guess 10 is my comfort zone.
If I'm dressed, I pretty much always have a J-Frame on my person. At home lounging around the house it's in a Harry's Icon 2.0 on a Constantine belt ( bes no belt loops set up I've found). When dressed and leaving the house it's in my right front pocket in addition to my primary which is carried AIWB. I still want my primary gun on person, but it's really nice to be pumping gas, or anywhere else in public with your hand in your pocket, grip already acquired.
I would say for day to day comings and goings that been my comfort level as well. A g26 doesn’t shoot that far behind a g19 and I find it to be a little better than the slim line guns. I have been leaning toward carrying a spare more and more mostly because of the issues with crime in our area.
For those whom it may help: the actual phrase "the J-frame lifestyle", spoken silently to oneself in the moment of life's many quotidian indignities and instances that -- responded to injudiciously -- could lead to escalations and situations that while perhaps justified we all nonetheless want to avoid, after enough repetitions becomes a powerful mantra in service to holding firm some of the very important disciplines discussed in this excellent thread.
As always, YMMV.
Hain’t we got all the fools in town on our side? And ain’t that a big enough majority in any town?