This is the sort of discussion that can go on virtually forever, without a definitive resolution (at least until Phasers become reality, and then we'll probably debate Type 1 versus Type 2). The mind is still more important than the gear. Sure, the specific gear chosen for any given situation, or day/night, might have a significant influence on the tactics scrolling through the mental landscape, but gear is still just gear. FWIW, while I've been trading off carrying either a J-frame or a LCP in recent weeks, yesterday I decided to reach into the safe and grab one of the holstered guns off the top from one of boxes of pistols on one of the shelves, and it was a G26. Presently stoked with RA9TA 127gr +P+, so I grabbed a spare magazine filled with the same load, and off I went to enjoy cigars over the hill. So, 10rds at a time versus 5 or 6. No biggie.