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Hain’t we got all the fools in town on our side? And ain’t that a big enough majority in any town?
Very late to the party.
I reject the J frame lifestyle.
I live in an urban environment.
I have put people in jail for 27+ years.
I shoot a G19 sized pistol or bigger orders of magnitude better than a J frame outside of bad breath distance.
I simply have accepted dressing around the pistol with a purpose designed holster/belt combo.
At 6’3’, 205 ish, 44l coat 34ish waistline- it can sometimes take a bit of work but is completely doable without looking like tactical teddy given my ever increasing need to wear jacket and tie 4x a week (M-R, sometime F)
We live in interesting times. Be safe and well all.
I am not your attorney. I am not giving legal advice. Any and all opinions expressed are personal and my own and are not those of any employer-past, present or future.