Some historic info on this beauty.....
There were three versions of this rifle: the M1922, M1922M1 and M1922M2. This is the M1 variant. It was an NRA Sales Rifle, meant for sales to civilian shooting clubs, etc. Military issue rifles recieved a parkerized finish. The civilian riflles were rust blued, as well as being drilled and tapped, like this one. It was sold through thr Department of Civilian Marksmanship in 1933. Production of the M1 ended, and production of the M2 started in 1933.
The rifle is an M1, but it's mounted in an M2 stock. The sporting stock of the M1 featured more drop in the butt, no finger grooves and a shotgun buttplate. If the rifle had been returned to the armory for repair or overhaul, there would be inspection stamps on the stock, known as cartouches. When new from the armory stocks weren't stamped. This one is clean. While the stock may have been replaced, given the overlap in production it's also quite possible this is the original stock. Maybe not "correct" from a collecting standpoint, but still original.