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Thread: 11/10 rnd mag loading

  1. #1

    11/10 rnd mag loading

    Will IDPA ever get w/ current trends and allow 16/15 rnd mag loading in all classes (not in BUG etc). It has been a long time now since guns like a G19, and many even smaller ones, will hold 15 rnds. Why this 10 rnd limit still exists is beyond me. I shoot in SSP simply because of the change 3(?) years ago allowing 15rnds. I'd love to be able to do a few things to the gun that ESP allows but not going to drop back to 10 rnds.

  2. #2
    Site Supporter JohnO's Avatar
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    I would venture to guess that the governing body wants one set of rules that works everywhere. If the Mag capacity laws in the blue states are found unconstitutional and go away then perhaps so will 10 round limits in games.

  3. #3
    G26 MAFIA Noah's Avatar
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    I have shot SSP 15 and ESP 10 with basically the same guns. Just my layman’s opinion, with the max 18 round stages or whatever it is, 11/10 gives you a reload roughly in the middle and a few make up shots, felt right.

    15 SSP either gives you an awkward reload near the end (rather than usually moving in the middle) or a ton of makeup shots that vastly change engagement strategy. I… actually didn’t like it.

    USPSA stages with hit factor and way more positions and 24-32 rounds… totally different story.

  4. #4
    Agree with Noah.

    Reminds me of the early days, I had an AC who would not approve for the state match a stage of 10 or 11 shots that a SSP or ESP could complete without a reload while a CDP had to reload. He knew that the pious platitude that competition was only within Divisions did not keep us from looking at overall placement.

    I shot SSP15 for a while but when I saw CoFs being stretched to 17-18 hits to force me to reload at the end, I went back to ESP10 where I had some flexibility in the middle of the stage; dump a round, slidelock vs loaded chamber reload, or even a tac load.

    I was not surprised at the introduction of opics in IDPA but the recent provision for superfluous holes in the barrel was kind of a shocker.
    Code Name: JET STREAM

  5. #5
    A few points;
    - The two clubs where I shoot, in a 6 stage match, I get at least 1 and often 2 stages where I don't need to reload but 10rnd guys do. So the couple of stages where I need to reload at the end are made up for by stages where I don't reload.
    - My thinking is that I don't care what the mag rules are in other states. Why should I? I am too lazy to look it up but why should mag limits in 10-15 states dictate what the other states do?
    - I don't shoot other than local events, but last Oct and Nov I got a taste of what it might be like to go to another state for a major match. We have a night match at each club in Nov and this year I had to shoot in carry optics. Previously they had created an extra class 'light/laser' so I could still load to 15. Now I had to load to 10. I had to change guns to one w/ a rail for my TLR2G so I changed a month early just in case it might be too different. Turned out that, neither the different gun, nor the different mag loading, caused any problem at all. So that, plus idpa's own change to 15 rnds for SSP only, seems to me makes the 10 rnd limit completely arbitrary.
    - NY limits you to a 10 rnd mag BUT you can only load it to 7.
    Should idpa switch to a 7rnd limit?

  6. #6
    Site Supporter
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    That's not the case in NY. We all load to ten.

    I post in BS that if Clarence Thomas and Thomas Alito get off the yacht and private jet and actually do something about mag bans, what shall I do with my 21 10 round G17 mags (bought them for a song way back when the AWB ban ended and they were dumped for very low prices).
    Cloud Yeller of the Boomer Age, My continued existence is an exercise in nostalgia.

  7. #7
    Member JonInWA's Avatar
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    Another thing that kind of surprises me is that IDPA kept the Revolver capacity at 6, instead of allowing 7 and 8 round revos. I mean, hey, if SSP can be increased to 15/16, why not revolvers similarly??

    Best, Jon (and for the record, all of my centerfire revolvers are...6....
    Sponsored by Check-Mate Industries and BH Spring Solutions
    Certified Glock Armorer

  8. #8
    Jon, not being a revolver guy I wonder if this is the reason. We can easily download a mag to anything the stage rules say and the gun functions fine. Say you have a 7 or 8 rnd revolver, and the stage rules say 6 rnds. Would it be possible to start w/ the cylinder in a specific position so you don't end up on an empty cylinder bore somewhere during the stage.?

  9. #9
    Member JonInWA's Avatar
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    Absolutely, you just stage/position the cylinder as you close it at Load And Make Ready. Best, Jon
    Sponsored by Check-Mate Industries and BH Spring Solutions
    Certified Glock Armorer

  10. #10
    I once suggested that High Capacity Revolvers be entered in CDP so as to not obsolete the sixshooters like USPSA did.
    When USPSA authorized 8 shot Minor revolvers, it put the 625s on the back of the shelf.
    Code Name: JET STREAM

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