"Gunfighting is a thinking man's game. So we might want to bring thinking back into it."-MDFA
“It worked pretty good if you could shoot.” -Pat Rogers
"Expect to get shot at. Don't let it freak you out."-VCSO deputy
Not LE, but had a permit since I was 21. I've taken the same approach as well as all the states I've lived in/had a permit (IN, FL, AL) didn't have a duty to inform. Only had interactions with FL and IN police and only twice did I have an officer ask about weapons (both times in FL, local PD/SO). Both times went pretty much like this:
"Any weapons in the vehicle."
"Yes [officer/deputy], I've got [description and location] and I've got my carry permit in my wallet."
"Okay, cool, thanks for letting me know."
Business was handled and we parted ways amicably. Never had any interaction with AL officers on any traffic stops, but I figure they'd be more shocked if someone didn't have a gun on them/in the vehicle . . . even here in the Austin of Alabama.
When I carried strongside IWB, I always made it a point put my wallet in my cupholder and my registration/insurance was kept in the sunvisor. I didn't want to be digging/fishing for something around where I had my gun and have things go sideways (like what happened there in Jacksonville).
"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur."
Disclaimer: I have previously worked in the firearms industry as an engineer. Thoughts and opinions expressed here are mine alone and not those of my prior employers.
For the information of all readers - “things going sideways” in this instance didn’t have anything to to with the driver “digging/fishing for something” around where he had his gun. When asked, he told the deputy that he had a handgun. He later described it as “on my side” when they were getting him out of the vehicle. He was compliant, and the gun fired when another deputy pulled the gun out and wound up with her finger on the trigger of the Glock (see my screen grab in an earlier post).
Not trying to be pointed to ragnar_d. Just wanted to make sure that nobody reading this thread thought that where the driver’s gun was (vs wallet or anything else) had anything to do with the outcome.
FWIW, I roll similar to ragnar_d, in that I put my wallet in the opposite back pocket from the side where a concealed handgun is, for this and other reasons.
On routine store trips I carry ID, debit card, and a $20 bill on a card case inserted in a front pocket on the side opposite the gun.