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Thread: Jacksonville SO shoots CCW carrier in leg removing gun from holster

  1. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Borderland View Post
    Here in WA when the vehicle license plate is entered into the DOL computer the CPL comes up. The LEO knows before the talk that the driver has a carry permit. I've been stopped a few times and the topic never came up. I guess the LEO just assumed I was armed.

    They don't like it if you exit your vehicle without being asked to do that however. I made that mistake one time.
    Am I to understand properly that only the registered owner/operator of the vehicle can drive the vehicle, in WA-state?

    EDIT: How does that even work for rentals and letting friends/family borrow your car? Is that even a thing in Washington?
    Runcible Works

  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Borderland View Post
    Here in WA when the vehicle license plate is entered into the DOL computer the CPL comes up. The LEO knows before the talk that the driver has a carry permit. I've been stopped a few times and the topic never came up. I guess the LEO just assumed I was armed.

    They don't like it if you exit your vehicle without being asked to do that however. I made that mistake one time.
    Speaking slightly out of turn. I wasn't LE very long.

    There are different CAD (computer dispatch) systems that agencies use in FL. They let you run a quick search of the tag or DL and come back with if it's valid, or owner suspended, NCIC, FCIC hits etc. It often returns a "MNI" or master name index as well. That's an interlinked history of agency interactions with an individual, vehicle, address, or whatnot.

    I have stopped people with permits who were carrying. The system didnt tell me. I think when it does, it may be an MNI return not an NCIC FCIC or DAVID return. However, I've never seen a notification that someone had a permit.

    Knowing ahead of time that the owner or driver was armed or permitted was never something I saw. I tried to always treat it as unknown until it was.

    I was in FL, I wasn't in LE long, agencies use different CADs, and all other caveats apply. My experience may not be applicable.

  3. #73
    Abducted by Aliens Borderland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by runcible View Post
    Am I to understand properly that only the registered owner/operator of the vehicle can drive the vehicle, in WA-state?

    EDIT: How does that even work for rentals and letting friends/family borrow your car? Is that even a thing in Washington?
    My LP is linked to my DL and a plate # will show my DL. My CPL info is on my DL. That may be linked automatically and probably is but I'm not sure. Of course if I'm not the operator then I was someplace else when the crime was committed.

    So I was wrong. LEO has to know the operators ID.
    Last edited by Borderland; 01-22-2025 at 09:49 AM.
    In the P-F basket of deplorables.

  4. #74
    We have no obligation to inform in Wa. It is generally thought of as a "good guy" courtesy. Not sure I would inform after that shit show......

  5. #75
    Site Supporter Coyotesfan97's Avatar
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    There is no duty to inform in Arizona but if you’re asked directly if you’re carrying you have to. It’s a misdemeanor to lie about it.
    Just a dog chauffeur that used to hold the dumb end of the leash.

  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by runcible View Post
    Am I to understand properly that only the registered owner/operator of the vehicle can drive the vehicle, in WA-state?

    EDIT: How does that even work for rentals and letting friends/family borrow your car? Is that even a thing in Washington?
    Maybe an WA LEO can chime in, but my understanding is that if you run our plate ABC-123, the response would be 'Red 2022 Lambo[1], registered to Mr & Mrs Whomever, no warrants, both have CPL'. If we loaned it to Totem Polar, they'd get the same response, but when they went to chat he would explain it was a borrowed car, and then probably deny he knew anything at all about the body in the trunk[2].

    [1]Some details may not be accurate
    [2]Do Lambos even have trunks?

  7. #77
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    If I'm stopped in Texas. I will inform out of courtesy. I still maintain the license though doing so is not necessary. Out of state I don't carry on my person. When driving out of state, the weapon is locked in the console. I would not inform. Articulating why is difficult but has something to do with uncertainty and a small measure of distrust of folks I don't know.

  8. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by whomever View Post
    [2]Do Lambos even have trunks?
    Well, they’re technically frunks. Normally I’d say they’re too small to fit a body, but then I did watch the show “The Americans”.

  9. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by willie View Post
    If I'm stopped in Texas. I will inform out of courtesy. I still maintain the license though doing so is not necessary. Out of state I don't carry on my person. When driving out of state, the weapon is locked in the console. I would not inform. Articulating why is difficult but has something to do with uncertainty and a small measure of distrust of folks I don't know.
    I will inform the officer than I am an LEO and am armed, and let the officer decide what happens next.

    This is mainly because I carry at 3:30, and my wallet and DL are in my right hip pocket. I don't want the butt of my gun to be seen as I'm reaching for my wallet and there be any misunderstandings. At that point, being drug out the window with a Glock screwed into my ear is practically a best case scenario.
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  10. #80
    Chasing the Horizon RJ's Avatar
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    As a random .civ, my plan is to hand over my DL and Florida CWL when asked. I'll tell them "it" is on me, the location (e.g. left side) and then ask them how they want me to proceed.

    I was rear ended a couple years ago; so when the officer arrived to investigate the accident, that's the path I took. He handed my CWL back to me, saying something to the effect of "just keep it holstered" and then walked to his squad car with my DL to do the report. When the ambulance arrived to take me to the hospital, I disarmed discreetly and handed my holstered rig to my wife before I got transported.
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