Those were our cases, almost all of them human trafficking issues that we attack through visa fraud. Ex: that NY/NJ mafia guy was involved in sourcing girls through Russian OC for clubs operated by the family. Prior to transferring to a different 1811 gig in my agency in a primarily internal security function, the last warrant I served was last year... also on Russian OC for sex trafficking, and the one before that was some scumbag family running a bonded labor scheme. We have DBFTF and OCDETF involvement, but I've never served warrants for another agency's case through a task force, if that's what you're asking, and have never been assigned to a task force myself.
It's going to vary. The guys along the border do a lot more work with BEST, but if you're in HQ in the IA type unit or CI, you're working sex crimes, domestics, misconduct by dept personnel or espionage, respectively.