I read this title and thought it meant 5 guns and a knife... As for a knife for defensive use, I would love it, but my states shitty laws make it hard to carry anything other than a folder, which in most entangled fights wouldn't be able to be deployed effectively. I keep telling myself that now that I am "retired" from professional gun use that I could carry a smaller gun, but I just shoot the full size ones better. I always think the j-frame or a g26 would be enough but my mind always tells me that if I actually had to take a shot I would rather it be with the gun I shoot the best. The fact that it carries more rounds to me doesn't factor in. Until 2011's became more reliable I carried a 1911 and 8 or 10 (45 or 9mm) was ok by me, because the gun doesn't take as much effort to shoot well.