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Thread: OWB 2 (And Carrying AOWB)

  1. #31
    Site Supporter Rex G's Avatar
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    Not sure how I missed this, until now, but, yes, AOWB, with a JMCK OWB 2, well forward of 0300, but not anywhere near 0100. I’ll try to work out the “clock” position, and get back to y’all. My totally vertical JMCK OWB 2 is for full-G17-length, so clearance for hip joint movement keeps me from going full-AOWB with it.
    Retar’d LE. Kinesthetic dufus.

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  2. #32
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex G View Post
    Not sure how I missed this, until now, but, yes, AOWB, with a JMCK OWB 2, well forward of 0300, but not anywhere near 0100. I’ll try to work out the “clock” position, and get back to y’all. My totally vertical JMCK OWB 2 is for full-G17-length, so clearance for hip joint movement keeps me from going full-AOWB with it.

    I wear G17 size AIWB or long as it is over the inguinal notch so that when I sit it's in the crease, and not hitting either muscle or bone. So, either over the crease, or outbound to where it covers part of the right front pocket of my Duluths, so you can't really get your hand into the pocket.
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  3. #33
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    I'm thinking about trying this out for a driving holster. I've got a DeSantis Speed Scabbard for my full-size PX4s. It's got three belt slots. One pair gives the standard "FBI" cant, and the other gives an almost vertical carry. I have to drive to Dallas on Tuesday and back on Wednesday, about 350 miles each way. I'll do some dry fire and go to the range between now and then to see if it's viable. Getting to the gun with my usual 3-3:30 carry position is less than optimum.
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  4. #34
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    A member on another couple of forums I frequent, Bob Reed, carries forward of the hip in a C. Rusty Sherrick "Dual Use Cross Draw" holster

  5. #35
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    Edited to add, I have an OWB 1 (pancake style) straight draw that he made for me when I specified a slim fit. It is similar but better than my Raven Magpul cut holster.

    I have not had luck with the Nelson style OWB 2holster, or any Nelson style holster, as they tend to flop a bit on me.
    Last edited by idahojess; 12-08-2024 at 12:34 PM.

  6. #36
    Member Leroy Suggs's Avatar
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    I have the JM OWB2 and it will work fair AOWB 1-2 o'clock but,
    the JM AIWB 2.0 works much better at AOWB

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  7. #37
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Yeah, I've done that with AIWB holsters in the past...specifically one or more of my DSG Orions. Last time was at one of my LEOSA qualifications.
    Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

  8. #38
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    Dale Fricke's Gideon Elite is a very nice straight drop, small footprint, OWB that may work in that application.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by revchuck38 View Post
    I'm thinking about trying this out for a driving holster. I've got a DeSantis Speed Scabbard for my full-size PX4s. It's got three belt slots. One pair gives the standard "FBI" cant, and the other gives an almost vertical carry. I have to drive to Dallas on Tuesday and back on Wednesday, about 350 miles each way. I'll do some dry fire and go to the range between now and then to see if it's viable. Getting to the gun with my usual 3-3:30 carry position is less than optimum.
    Well I'll tell you, I've had a few leather 3-slot holsters over the years (Glock & 1911), and every time I've tried that 3rd slot for a straight drop setup, they've had a tendency to flop outward, always disappointing.

    As if that 3rd slot was always too low.

    I drive alot, & comfort & easy access is one of many advantages of AIWB. I suppose you could go inside belt outside pant, like the poster above.

  10. #40
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    Here is an OWB 1 holster that JMCK made for me about 4 years ago (I believe I asked him to make it for a skinny fit) for an M&P 2.0 compact. Great holster. I might have had a velcroed wedge put on it when I took this, to push the grip in further, but I don't bother with it now.

    I don't think I've had it any further forward than where pictured (left handed). Definitely requires a closed front garment.

    Hope this helps.

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