Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.
I got to shoot the 11 inch HK at 200 yards today. It was shooting PMC 55 into four inches at 200 yards, five round groups, using my Acro and 3X magnifier, Hux Ti 7.62 suppressor. Velocity right at 2,500 fps.
Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.
My experience reflects that of @OldRunner/CSAT Neighbor. I also have the cross-dominant curse and shoot rifle/shotgun LH. I replaced a Sandman S with a Hux 556K on a Geissele 11.5. I've also run the Hux on other AR-variants, along with a CAT WB 718; no appreciable GTF using either can.
Huxwrx trademarked their "Flow-Through" technology. I believe CAT uses a different approach with their "Surge Bypass" technology. Some other manufacturers simply call them "LBP" (low back pressure) cans. Whatever the name, I believe we can thank 3D printing for making shooting a gas-gun wrong-handed much more pleasant over the last several years.
Awaiting @GJM's take on this, the HK being a piston gun.
I shot the 11 inch HK with the HUX suppressor some, support hand today, and did not notice any gas to the face.
Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.