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Thread: Knowing Our History

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by LtDave View Post
    Some LAPD guys also did the "upgrades" to their 158 gr RN .38 ammo.
    Back around 1980, a small city in Tennessee issued a .38 with a 158 grain jacketed soft point. Officers had tested them on the media of that day: water-soaked Sears catalogs, and found no expansion. No surprise, as the same bullets were also loaded in .357 Magnums. An officer had a friendly reloader pull the bullets and load with a heavier powder charge. I never heard of one being fired on duty.

  2. #12
    There was a guy in my academy class who carried a 226 in .357 Sig because the department policy limited them to several calibers, including ".357". This was in the era of .40 being the predominant LE round and the PD apparently refused to add .40 or .45, but did not specify which flavor of ".357", so a lot of their guys carried .357 Sig. Kind of a funny end run around the policy.

  3. #13
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    Tampa area, Florida
    I knew a guy who worked for an agency that specified officers "must carry a .38 Special revolver". That was all it said. So, he carried a .38 Special revolver on his ankle as his primary, and a 1911 .45 on his belt as a back-up.

  4. #14
    In the 1970s, one officer in my class was a sergeant from the Pepperrell, Massachusetts Police Department. He and I were the only cops in the class who were carrying cocked and locked Colt autos in lieu of revolvers. His turned out to be .38 Super. When I asked him about it, he told me the department's handgun regs specified "Colt or Smith & Wesson .38 caliber handgun only." His chief was a good sport about it, with a response kinda like "You outfoxed the regs, dammit, but what the hell."

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Givens View Post
    I knew a guy who worked for an agency that specified officers "must carry a .38 Special revolver". That was all it said. So, he carried a .38 Special revolver on his ankle as his primary, and a 1911 .45 on his belt as a back-up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mas View Post
    In the 1970s, one officer in my class was a sergeant from the Pepperrell, Massachusetts Police Department. He and I were the only cops in the class who were carrying cocked and locked Colt autos in lieu of revolvers. His turned out to be .38 Super. When I asked him about it, he told me the department's handgun regs specified "Colt or Smith & Wesson .38 caliber handgun only." His chief was a good sport about it, with a response kinda like "You outfoxed the regs, dammit, but what the hell."
    These are both awesome. Thanks, guys.

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