Background. 147 gn coated lead bullets, Loaded just at 850 fps. So not a hot load just at minor power factor.
The villain case is a Blazer Brass case which appears to be a stepped case of sort. I will be more critical in inspecting my pickups before reloading.
When the round ignited the slide moved just out of battery and there was a bit of fizzing and fussing as the gas vented. The round did leave the barrel fortunately or I would have had a little more work.
On a positive note with Brownells - I spoke with a gentleman named Matt in tech support who suggested a few approaches to remove the stuck case. Heat, Oil, a pick etc. He suggested Cerosafe (sp?) which is some molten metal and possible Hot Glue from a glue gun. No tools to acquire from Brownells. This was pure customer service.
I used the hot glue gun and after the second attempt managed to remove the booger from the chamber. It worked. I hope this may be a solution if you are stuck with this situation.
I did a go / nogo check with the Glock G19.5 and all seems ok. Will shoot later to verify operation.
See attached pics.