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Thread: DMF13 and the XL750

  1. #11
    Member DMF13's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by nate89 View Post
    . . . i'd also say sometimes the wire that kicks the cases out of the machine can work it's way out of the hole next to station 5, and if it gets too high it will start impinging on the runner that pushes the cases into station 1: that was something that took me way too long to notice!
    Thanks, I will keep an eye out for that.

    On the 650/750, a case feeder is almost mandatory, unless you like moving you right hand a lot and really reducing your loading rate. I only have a bullet feeder set up for 38/9mm, but for other calibers I really don't see much of a slow down, but no case feeder is brutal on the 650/750. Even the 1050 is more forgiving with no case feeder (but it comes with the press so sort of a non-issue)
    Absolutely, I initially fed the cases with my left hand, but its a little awkward. I went with the DAA Mini-Case Feeder, and Collator bowl. Takes less than 2 minutes to load it up, and I added cases when I add primers. In 1500 rounds, I only had 2 upside down cases, but they were caught and corrected before I started pulling the handle.

    Some day, if I have a bench in a climate controlled room, I'll get a motorized case feeder, and bullet feeder. Since I tear everything down, and store the press inside, after each loading session the manual devices are working out well.
    "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am. Send me." - Isaiah 6:8

  2. #12
    Member DMF13's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Still very pleased with this press.

    In the two months I've had this, I've loaded as much ammo as I did in over a year with the LnLAP.

    I'm still having to nudge 3 to 5 cases per hundred, to get them into the sizing die. I've made adjustments to the camming bearing pin, degreased the face of the shuttle, etc. I'm now debating using a different sizing die.

    There is still a little more variation in OAL than I would like (1.1480" to 1.1565").

    Powder drop accuracy seems to be +/- 0.1 grains, with Winchester 231.

    Including set up*, QC checks at the beginning, end, and every 100 rounds, and cleanup/tear down*, I was able to load 500 rounds in 2 hours 15 minutes, going at a leisurely pace.

    *I load in the garage, but store everything in the home office, so that adds time to each session.
    "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am. Send me." - Isaiah 6:8

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