So...148 gr Wadcutters front or side of skull not edge, or through breastbone should have enough momentum to truck through and only lose a bit from the predicted....I would guess loses 2"
But, a .32 Long 100 gr wadcutter is a bit of an unknown way less energy and mass, so likely lose 3 to 3.5" would be my you think frontal would still be ok, but if arms in way first or side lateral then maybe would scrub it's velocity down significantly....
I was thinking of getting into .32 long, but ordered some .38 wadcutters to have as I age if I need them
Also, curious about 158 gr SWCHp that do not expand...they are long bullets so wondering how reliable might tumbling be if anyone has a guess
Someone commented that .380 ball regularly tumbles 6 to 8" in as lots of Euro LE tested in the past, though that ogive is far more likely to deflect or ride ribs...
Just as an aside, a well respected expert told me Hydrashok Deep is what he believes is best, assuming your not older and lw jframe recoil issues requiring wadcutter. I'd likely go 130+ Ranger and 135+ Gold Dot in 2nd and 3rd. The cheaper 125 gr+ sjhp I wonder if Wadcutters would do almost as much damage with less recoil.
I wish .44 spec was affordable as a .44 spec or Lost Rivers .44 Russian Wadcutter seems like would handle any man, critter, or actual smaller dog cayote bobcat mountain lion animal defense just fine while not too much recoil and being relatively quite.