View Poll Results: Did your Ruger LCR/LCRx have functional issues?

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  • No, my gun is fine.

    56 90.32%
  • Yes. My gun had minor issues I fixed myself, without having to ship it.

    2 3.23%
  • Yes. My gun had issues that were resolved by shipping the gun to Ruger one time.

    3 4.84%
  • Yes. My gun had issues and I have had to ship the gun to Ruger more than once.

    0 0%
  • Yes. I haven’t made an attempt to fix the issues, or I got rid of the gun.

    1 1.61%
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Thread: Poll for people who bought a Ruger LCR/LCRx

  1. #11
    Site Supporter Rex G's Avatar
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    At 22 replies to the poll, the “my gun is fine” percentage is quite encouraging. I have ample SP101 revolvers, so, am not a candidate for adding an LCR-series anytime soon, but, do lean toward recommending Ruger, for folks who handle my SP101 revolvers, and want something lighter in weight. Or, I may decide I need a light-weight .32 for myself. (I have two .32 H&R all-stainless S&W J-snubs.)
    Retar’d LE. Kinesthetic dufus.

    Don’t tread on volcanos!

  2. #12
    Chasing the Horizon RJ's Avatar
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    Bought my current Ruger LCR .38 #5701 in 2019. It is up to 804 rounds with no issues. I only shoot Wadcutters, for carry and practice.

    Previously to that I owned a Ruger LCR .357. It had 310 rounds when I traded it for the .38. Also no issues. Should have just kept if for practice and carried the .38, but I are dumb like that.
    "...As for me and my house, we will serve tacos." Fiesta 24:7

  3. #13
    I have:

    One .22 LCR - zero issues.

    Two .327 LCRs - zero issues.

    I've had all three for about a year and a half.

  4. #14
    Synthesizer backtrail540's Avatar
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    My 3" 22 had a loose front sight that a replacer roll on did not fix but otherwise it was fine.
    Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them. - Einstein

  5. #15
    LCRx .38, no issues.

    Looking at Ruger's own YouTube videos on disassembly and reassembly, I don't want to try it.

  6. #16
    Site Supporter MGW's Avatar
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    My LCR .22 won’t eject spent rounds but I have not had a chance to send it back yet. The cylinder is also has more front to rear movement than seems normal.
    “If you know the way broadly you will see it in everything." - Miyamoto Musashi

  7. #17
    Well crap. I just broke my LCR22. I was checking cylinder movement and dry fired it a couple times and now the trigger is stuck back. I can push it forward but it sticks the next time. Guess I'll check Ruger Customer Service.

  8. #18
    I purchased a 9 mm lcr a couple years ago and with standard pressure 115 or 124 grain ammo, I had a very hard time extracting the cases—like had to punch them out with a brass rod. I did not try any 147 grainers, and it sounds like those might be the ticket for the 9 mm version. I could have called Ruger and sent it back and they would’ve taken care of me or had the cylinder reamed or done it myself, but I had too many other projects on my plate and just ended up moving the gun along to find something else. I have confidence in the LCR and Ruger customer service and am on the hunt for a .357 version (to shoot .38 specials mostly) and a 22 lr version.

  9. #19
    Site Supporter CleverNickname's Avatar
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    I've had several LCRs, only one of which had a problem. I bought it in a private sale for cheap, and when I went to shoot it for the first time I got light off-center primer strikes. When I returned it to Ruger for service they said it was a manufacturing defect and sent me a new replacement gun. I assume the guy who I bought it from just didn't want to go through the trouble of returning it to Ruger.

  10. #20
    Member Phaedrus's Avatar
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    Big Sky Country
    I have an LCRx in .38 Special and it has been great (for what it is). Prior to that I had the regular 2" version. It too was great but sold it to offset the cost of the 3" LCRx, didn't figure I needed both. Realistically I kind of wish I had kept both as the 2" version was better for dropping in a pocket to walk the mailbox, etc. No doubt the LCRx is easier to shoot well with the exposed hammer spur and longer sight radius.
    I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned. - Richard Feynman
    When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist.- Archbishop Helder Câmara

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