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Thread: I give up on the LnL AP, and need advice on what I need for a 750.

  1. #1
    Member DMF13's Avatar
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    I give up on the LnL AP, and need advice on what I need for a 750.

    I thought I could make the LnL AP work, but the problem is I can't get through 100 rounds without something going wrong. At first I attributed the problems to me being new to reloading, but its been a year, and I've tried everything. I've consulted with several people who have the same press, including a guy at my club who has loaded over 100K pistol rounds on his. I've talked to customer service MANY times, AND sent the press back to the factory, and no one can make this thing run. Its full of gremlins.

    Customer service tried hard. They sent me parts, including sometimes when they said I might not need them, but just in case their suggested fixes didn't work they sent replacement parts anyway. It just won't work.

    So, I need to figure out what i need to start loading 9mm on a Dillon 750.

    I have dies, so I don't need that. (Planning on staying with the Lee U die, Redding seating die with micrometer, and the Lee Factory crimp die)

    I'm not going to run an electric case, or bullet, feeder, as I load in the garage, and then store the press inside, so I don't want to.setup, and take down, those, each loading session.

    I think what I need is:
    1. The machine itself, which I assume comes with a toolhead to install the dies I have.
    2. Extra pickup tubes.
    3. Inline Fab Roller handle
    4. Inline Fab Quick Change Plate (I had one for the LnL AP, so the base is already on my bench)
    5. PhotoEscape PTX.
    6. A light, either the KMS UFO or Inline Fab Skylight.

    I have a Lee inline bullet feeder, which I will use, as that thing really works well. I may add a DAA "mini case feeder," too.

    Are there essentials I'm missing from the list above? Because as soon as I can get rid of the LnL AP, and get the Dillon, I want to get down to business. I've become fond of shooting my ammo.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
    "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am. Send me." - Isaiah 6:8

  2. #2
    I went down the same road. Several things on a LnL AP that I really liked but I ditched it and went with a Dillon 650. The contrast was pretty remarkable and I am very happy with the Dillon.

    You might reconsider a case feed. You can just slip it off and on as you need. Lots of people use them on two different machines. Other than that I think you will be able to load ammo with your list.

    I would probably add:

    • A Lyman M die or DAA powder funnel if you are loading coated or plated. It works much better preventing scraping of the coating.
    • Do the roller bearing on the shell plate. I only used one bearing race and let the bearing roll on the shell plate. It gives more surface area on the shell plate for support in addition to making things a bit smoother running. Available at McMaster Carr. Part numbers are on the Enos forum.
    • A spare parts kit. It has almost all of the small parts you might break or lose. Also call Dillon and get the alignment tool now to have on hand in case you have to change your ring indexer one of which will be included in the small parts kit, but not the alignment tool to install it properly. You can do it without it but it takes a lot of jimmying and the tool makes it quick and easy.

  3. #3
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    I would rethink the electric casefeeder. I didn't even realize it's still an option on the 750...I figured it'd be standard. It's a really simple thing to attach, and my 650 would be seriously handicapped without it.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan1980 View Post
    You might reconsider a case feed. You can just slip it off and on as you need. Lots of people use them on two different machines.
    I agree with this. It is a simple 1/4-20, I replaced my screw with a knob. At one point I was swapping one feeder between two 650s and a Lee APP!

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  5. #5
    Site Supporter CCT125US's Avatar
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    Don't feel bad. A highly intelligent, very mechanically inclined friend (works on high end luxury cars) couldn't get his LnL to work. He went to Dillon after using mine.
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  6. #6
    You are not alone my friend. I have had the same experience with a LNL AP. Case feeder was a dog. I kept it for some hunting rifle loading of 20 rounds etc. I have the aptitude to fixe and repair electromechanical machines but the LNL AP is a problem child. I would adjust something and run it for 100-200 round and something else would foul up. Constant pain and suffering.

    I bought a Dillon Super 1050 and recently installed a Mr. Bullet feeder which has worked out great. Cranked out 500 rounds 9mm in a set up session. Bear in mind on the limited warranty of some models such as the super 1050 as it is considered a commercial model.

    I would by another Dillion if I needed one for progressive loading. Go through Dillons Q&A process on which machine is right for you.

  7. #7
    Member DMF13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boxy View Post
    Go through Dillons Q&A process on which machine is right for you.
    Well, the upside to LnL AP is I learned some things. The XL750 will be right for me, and Dillon's quiz agrees. Hopefully, I will do better with it.

    I'll never be a "super squad" shooter, but at 500-1000 rounds a month I will be happy to make. Master class, and know that's a realistic goal. The 750 should be able to do that.

    If I ever have a climate controlled reloading room, I can add the motorized case feeder, and bullet feeder.
    Last edited by DMF13; 09-02-2024 at 01:28 PM.
    "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am. Send me." - Isaiah 6:8

  8. #8
    Member DMF13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCT125US View Post
    Don't feel bad. A highly intelligent, very mechanically inclined friend (works on high end luxury cars) couldn't get his LnL to work. He went to Dillon after using mine.
    I don't feel bad, just frustrated. I researched the hell out of of this before purchasing. I knew all presses had their quirks, but knowing several people using the LnL AP, with great success, and liking some of APs features, I thought I'd get it to work.

    Maybe I've just got a lemon, but I'm not going to keep sending it back, and forth, and hope they will replace it.
    "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am. Send me." - Isaiah 6:8

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by DMF13 View Post
    I think what I need is:
    I would also suggest getting the calendar, I always feel like such a leg-humper when I have to place a separate order...

  10. #10
    Member DMF13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmc45414 View Post
    I would also suggest getting the calendar, I always feel like such a leg-humper when I have to place a separate order...
    I don't understand.
    "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am. Send me." - Isaiah 6:8

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