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Thread: Self Control vs Hesitation

  1. #51
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Whitlock View Post
    I will simply interject a caution that, depending on your location, the police station may not have any uniformed personnel in the building. In some smaller jurisdictions, they may all be out on the street. That may not affect the deterrence factor.
    Very true. When I lived in South FL our "village" had its own force which later was taken over by Miami-Dade P.D.

    It had limited manpower, and was frequently unattended requiring folks to call the general number or 911.

    The "station" was a block or so from where my apartment was and passing by I saw a woman who appeared in distress trying to get in. Stopped and found out she had been assaulted. (Domestic.)

    Radioed in for someone from Metro and waited with her while they were enroute. It'd have been a long wait for her otherwise, especially if the offender had shown back up.
    Don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters...

  2. #52
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    The best plan is to not let your ego do the driving. If someone brake checks you, you might be the asshole. If you piss someone off, you probably are the asshole. Even if you're not the asshole, keep your anger in check.

    This ^^^^^ is the very best advice, Hambo - something I strive to instill in my own kids.
    "We are the domestic pets of a human zoo we call civilization."

    Laurence Gonzales - "Deep Survival."

  3. #53
    Site Supporter Ichiban's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11B10 View Post
    The best plan is to not let your ego do the driving. If someone brake checks you, you might be the asshole. If you piss someone off, you probably are the asshole. Even if you're not the asshole, keep your anger in check.

    This ^^^^^ is the very best advice, Hambo - something I strive to instill in my own kids.
    Just had to do it.

  4. #54
    Murder Machine, Harmless Fuzzball TCinVA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Whitlock View Post
    I will simply interject a caution that, depending on your location, the police station may not have any uniformed personnel in the building. In some smaller jurisdictions, they may all be out on the street. That may not affect the deterrence factor.
    Short of actually running into a police officer, there is no way to ensure one is going to be present where you need one.

    I have some friends with fed credentials trying to travel low key call about a road rager with an extensive criminal record in an effort to try and avoid having to actually using lethal force and it took them forever to actually get a local department on the asshole causing the problem.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totem Polar View Post
    This one is making me think. Reason being: I happen to know for a fact that there is a much greater than zero chance that calling 911 in my city may not result in a PPV showing up. Hell, as much as I like [MENTION=10494]Hambo[/MENTION]’s excellent advice, recent history shows that there’s no guarantee that calling 911 will get through and even start the recording process.

    I hate to say it, but my plan for someone following me inside my own city limits and refusing to give it up may have to involve driving to the employee lot of the PD and running over their trash cans and spinning tire smoking brodies in the lot. I’m deadly serious about that, unless someone here has a better idea. I cannot rely on 911 not just going to VM at this point in time.
    The reasons to call the PD/911 is not so the blue-suited saviors will save you, but rather that you are listed as the complainant/victim in the ensuing report/investigation after you handle your business.

  6. #56
    Site Supporter JohnO's Avatar
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    In the late 1980's I was a dumb kid with a fast car. I pulled up to a red light next to a Monte Carlo SS. A guy driving and a woman in the passenger seat. The light changed and I pulled away. It became quite apparent the guy in the SS was trying to keep with me. We were not racing at all. He pulled up to me and I would just pull away. I just didn't want to drive down a two lane road with a car right next to me. This went on for a few iterations. Finally I got tired of the guy pulling up to me and I floored it, pulled away and turned off the main road onto a side street.

    The SS followed me. I kept my speed/driving in check. I was not going to go tearing through a neighborhood. I made a turn or two heading towards a friends house and the SS followed me. I wasn't certain the SS was following me so I decided to find out. I took four consecutive right turns basically circling the block. Then I knew for certain he was following me

    I pulled over and decided I was going to see what this guy's problem was. He pulled in behind me and got out of his car. I watched him reach behind his right hip and thought, "oh crap here comes a gun". But no, he pulled his wallet and badged me. This dude gave me a lecture about my driving and claimed he could "write me up". As he spoke I kept thinking he was pissed that my car was quicker that his piece of crap Monte Carlo SS and I showed him up in front of his lady.

    Fast forward a bunch of decades. I'm not that stupid kid full of piss and vinegar any more. It's also a different set of circumstances out there today. Back then I don't think the term Road Rage had been coined.

  7. #57
    Having had street fights some started while driving and others did not.
    The one factor never changed for me was no hesitation on my part going right into action.

    The advantage I had was my size and mindset to go all out and not listen to anything the other guy had to say.
    I had plenty of fights under my belt so when the time came it was already played out in my mind on what to do.

    Bouncing in a Biker Bar and other drinking holes was a proving ground in what works.
    Powerlifting at 280 pounds I tossed most guys around without much trouble.

    I loved to fight so a calmness came over me and everything slowed down in bad situations.
    Big negative is getting sued after your actions. It happened working in the DOC but it was during a riot, so nothing came of it.

    The road rage fights I did not start, my ego had nothing to do with my actions.
    I would rather not say what happened to cause it and what my actions where.

    To each his own I was not put on earth to take shit from ass holes who are trying to do harm to me ..someone flips me off or cuts me off
    I never took action against stupid shit like that.

    Guns are cool but I have spent much more time lifting and fighting than training with guns.

    Proving grounds ... Bouncing ... Bounty Hunting ... martial arts tournaments ... Corrections and Pro wrestling.

    Good for Street fighting skills and worked for me.
    Learn how to wrestle
    Bar room fighting seek out someone teaching that does not have a family plan at his school, no kids or belt seekers.
    The best instructor I had was a reformed addict that was a brutal street fighter that mixed Kyokushin and bar room fighting.
    Beef up and get strong
    Learn to love the adrenaline dump
    Be prepaid if you land in court.
    If Cops show up, keep your mouth shut and do what they want you to do.
    Never get out of the boat unless you are willing to go all the way.

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