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Thread: Eating our own - Chief arrested for open carrying at county fair

  1. #21
    Site Supporter Coyotesfan97's Avatar
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    In Arizona Peace Officers have statewide jurisdiction. A lot of citizens don’t know that.
    Just a dog chauffeur that used to hold the dumb end of the leash.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by kwb377 View Post
    I wasn't really commenting on the legality of the arrest, but more to the common sense exhibited by the Chief. Why be "that guy" when you can be the grey man? Also...we all know that the guy that open carries his badge/gun while of-duty is also the same guy that buys the cheapest holster he can find. Not a smart idea to wear a gun to a fair and ride the Tilt-A-Whirl amd Screamin' Mimi while carrying in a $5 gun-show-special holster.
    Think there’s more than enough “that guy” to go around on this issue. I think your read of the guy open carrying probably goes for the guy making the arrest on this as well.


  3. #23
    Site Supporter Lon's Avatar
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    Talked with 2 different folks familiar with the issue and each told me there was actual physical force used during the arrest that hasn’t been reported in the media. Gonna get interesting.

    There also two separate OC groups that went up and got kicked out for open carrying. This may get expensive for CCSO and the Champaign County Agricultural Society.
    Formerly known as xpd54.
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  4. #24
    Dang I wish these open carry people would just stop. I am pretty sure it has no effect on their equipment length. No matter that it is hard for us to understand, there are always going to be people who are made at least nervous by guns. There is no good that comes from aggravating them and I am pretty sure they are the majority and they vote. I don't see it much here in SW Va, but was behind a guy at the checkout in Lowes a few months ago. Nice 1911 in a leather iwb holster worn at about 330. I figured there was about a 75% chance I could grab his gun from behind. I just don't see the point.

  5. #25
    Site Supporter Lon's Avatar
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    The Chief’s attorney (who I’m familiar with and consider to be very good) filed a motion to dismiss. I posted the motion in this article if you want to read it. The short version is the arrest violates two sections of the Ohio Revised Code 9.69 and 2923.1214. Henceforth, it should be immediately dismissed.
    Formerly known as xpd54.
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  6. #26
    Site Supporter Lon's Avatar
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    Case was dismissed by the Judge last Friday based on the Chief’s attorney’s motion to dismiss. I’m guessing a lawsuit is inbound.
    Formerly known as xpd54.
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  7. #27
    Lost River 170gr Hardcast fatdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CraigS View Post
    ...behind a guy at the checkout in Lowes a few months ago. Nice 1911 in a leather iwb holster worn at about 330. I figured there was about a 75% chance I could grab his gun from behind. I just don't see the point.
    I explained this to someone who came to me for what I thought about OC because we had a big local OC movement here a few years back. I pointed out to him that there are only two real commodities a criminal can steal and actually consistently sell for more than the over the counter fair market value of the thing. One is prescription drugs and the other is a handgun.

    A socket wrench to the back of your head in the Walmart parking lot gives the crook the chance to make off with one of those without the necessity or risk of a face to face robbery if you are OC. It is literally like trying to cross the dog pound with a pork chop around your neck. All the OC people seem to project their "it is a deterrent" mindset on the crooks instead of considering the criminal's actual viewpoint of what the situation is, or how they may be setting themselves up as a forced robbery target.
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  8. #28
    Site Supporter Lon's Avatar
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    I’ve posted the judges decision in this article if you want to read it.
    Formerly known as xpd54.
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  9. #29
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    A nice 21 year old kid works at my lgs. He paid the tax stamps to put a suppressor on a short barrel AR. The kid "wears it" with a sling during shop hours. I told him that in the event of armed robbery, he would be the 1st person shot.

    I tell people that the most dangerous place to open carry is the inner city. Why? Because somebody will knock you in the head to get the weapon. Malls ain't a safe place either to walk around like that. Handguns are like private parts. They belong in your pants.

  10. #30
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    I ask folks if they would open carry in the NYC subway during rush hour when you are butt to crotch packed in . No - they usually OC in relatively safe environments.
    Cloud Yeller of the Boomer Age, My continued existence is an exercise in nostalgia.

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