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Thread: New contact lens technology for presbyopia

  1. #1

    New contact lens technology for presbyopia

    So... having reached a certain age, I've found it increasingly difficult to shift to front sight focus for those longer shots on, say, a tuxedo. Last week I went in for an eye exam, and walked out with a new contact lens- Acuvue Oasys MAX.

    This is some sort of sorcery. My near vision is restored to what it was 30 years ago, while maintaining 20/15 distance vision.

    I'm at a slight loss to explain exactly how this works, but... it works very well. The lenses also fully block UV as well as reducing blue light, which has the slightly odd side effect of creating a light green ring around your cornea... but I'm truly gobsmacked by the performance in restoring my near-vision while maintaining my distance vision.

    Just a tip for those of you looking for this sort of solution.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Archer1440 View Post
    So... having reached a certain age, I've found it increasingly difficult to shift to front sight focus for those longer shots on, say, a tuxedo. Last week I went in for an eye exam, and walked out with a new contact lens- Acuvue Oasys MAX.

    This is some sort of sorcery. My near vision is restored to what it was 30 years ago, while maintaining 20/15 distance vision.

    I'm at a slight loss to explain exactly how this works, but... it works very well. The lenses also fully block UV as well as reducing blue light, which has the slightly odd side effect of creating a light green ring around your cornea... but I'm truly gobsmacked by the performance in restoring my near-vision while maintaining my distance vision.

    Just a tip for those of you looking for this sort of solution.
    Thanks for posting this... I'm about due for an eye exam, and have started to lose some of my close vision as well.

    Do they compare well with other Acuvue contacts, price wise?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by WDR View Post
    Thanks for posting this... I'm about due for an eye exam, and have started to lose some of my close vision as well.

    Do they compare well with other Acuvue contacts, price wise?
    No, unfortunately, they're 2x more expensive. But for me, well worth it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Archer1440 View Post
    So... having reached a certain age, I've found it increasingly difficult to shift to front sight focus for those longer shots on, say, a tuxedo. Last week I went in for an eye exam, and walked out with a new contact lens- Acuvue Oasys MAX.

    This is some sort of sorcery. My near vision is restored to what it was 30 years ago, while maintaining 20/15 distance vision.

    I'm at a slight loss to explain exactly how this works, but... it works very well. The lenses also fully block UV as well as reducing blue light, which has the slightly odd side effect of creating a light green ring around your cornea... but I'm truly gobsmacked by the performance in restoring my near-vision while maintaining my distance vision.

    Just a tip for those of you looking for this sort of solution.
    I'll need to ask about these my next eye appointment.

  5. #5
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    Dang. These sound interesting. Still have my 6 month supply of Oasys, since I mostly wear glasses after retiring. Usually only wear contact at the range. But I am due for my annual checkup.....

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMC View Post
    Dang. These sound interesting.... But I am due for my annual checkup.....
    Me, too. I wear contacts, but unfortunately have a silicone allergy which limits the products I can use.
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  7. #7
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    I quit wearing contacts some time ago, due to issues I was having in the dryness and dust in Arizona. Presbyopia has become a new companion of mine. These new contacts may be a thing that would help me not have to swap glasses all day at work.

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    They have a sign up on their website for a free pair. I'm going to print the certificate and take it by my optometrist.

  9. #9
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    Been using them for the past 2 yrs. I use Biofinity by Cooper vision. Great for day to day and all shooting sports.

  10. #10
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    I use one Oasis MAX with a small amount of power (+0.5) in my dominant eye, in conjunction with my normal prescription glasses and a blinder, for iron sight competitions (air pistol, NRA Metallic, CMP Service Pistol/Rimfire EIC).

    The monovision contact plus blinder combo works very well.
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