Usually my first thought when opening PF:
Actually, I know the answer. $102.34 because the Brownells code SUMMER15 is valid on the PC Backpacker stock.
Last edited by awp_101; 08-01-2024 at 09:08 AM.
Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits - Mark Twain
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There are things you can do to make the 10/22 more accurate. There are things you can do to make it more reliable with lower powered, more accurate ammo. Amongst the former is having the rear of the barrel faced off 0.2" and rechambered with a pistol match chamber which is smaller in diameter at the rear and very lightly engraves the bullet. You can have the bolt face, faced off to reduce headspace to minimum. You can radius the corner of the bottom of the bolt such that it consumes less energy while cocking the hammer. You can smooth the recoil spring guide.
With most 10/22 barrels, there is nothing wrong with them, other than an extremely reliable, but inaccurate chamber.
I had several modified, and have been entirely pleased with them. I had the full job done on one of my 10-22s and it was markedly more accurate afterward. I recommend it.
I have changed so much on my 10/22 takedown since I bought it in ‘11 or ‘12 that it is practically homebuilt. The only thing original is the receiver and bolt. For a while I had it in the Midwest Industries Chassis, but that just seemed bigger and bulkier than a 10/22 needed.