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Thread: Appleseed shooters?

  1. #11
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    By the great salt sea.
    Shoot Appleseed 25 (meter or yard) with a .22LR, at least for your first one. It is about running a rifle. You will shoot a lot. Save your ammunition money and shoot .22LR, even if you have to borrow or buy one to use.

    Have a sling. Have a mat, or a nice piece of thick pile carpet. Try out some elbow pads - you may or may not like them.

    Have sights you can see, that have at least a basic zero, and preferably sights you know how to adjust. This will save time and aggravation. I’ll do it with scopes or irons, but they will be sights I know I can see and know how to adjust.

    Check your ammo with the gun and magazines you will use. Have more than enough of all the same kind, if possible. If you only bring barely enough, you may have to scrimp on your reps. Bring enough that you can plan to bring a bunch home, then you won’t run out and if someone else has crap ammo, you can help out.

    Clean your gun before you get there. You’re going to shoot all day. Starting with a dirty gun is not ideal.

    Have enough magazines: you can probably shoot the whole thing and do most activities with two, but you will be reloading quickly and constantly with only two. Having ten is probably overdoing it, but would really make the day simpler, with some safety margin for a failed magazine. Four is a minimum to my mind - I think I had six on my last one, and my daughter with my ancient 10/22 had about eight.

    If you only have access to a .22LR with a tube magazine, it can be done, just as it can be done with a bolt action (I got a Rifleman patch with a bolt action) but it is really designed for a semi-auto using detachable box magazines. If you are buying a .22LR to shoot this with, get a semi-auto with detachable box magazines.

    IOW, get a basic 10/22 and a handful of 10 round rotary magazines, a nylon military sling, a receiver peep or 4x fixed or no bigger than a 3x9 adjustable scope, a couple of bricks of reasonable quality ammunition (CCI Blazer or SV is fine, doesn’t have to be Eley 10x or Midas or whatever), and have fun.

    Bring plenty water and Gatorade and snacks, and a good lunch. If its hot, bring an ice chest with lots of real ice and blue ice.

  2. #12
    Ready! Fire! Aim! awp_101's Avatar
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    Has anyone had an issue running the course with a 10/22 takedown? Since no one has (so far) warned against using one I don’t suspect there would be an issue but I know sling tension can sometimes mess with zero or POA/POI.
    Bad ideas, brilliant execution

    I may be slow, but I get there.

  3. #13
    I went a few times back around 07/08.

    I was pretty cheap (and poor) back then. I used a piece of scrap indoor/outdoor carpet as my shooting mat. Rifle was a stock CZ452 Lux with iron sights. I also had a cheapo 1907 knock off sling.

    The CZ was a great rifle. I only had a 5rd and 10rd mag, but that was enough. I scored rifleman on Day 2. You had to be super efficient with the bolt action, no time to doddle. It would be challenging with a large center-fire action but a .22 bolt is very doable.

    Personally I would advise against an optic. All of the targets are sized/scaled for open sights. To borrow from Enos, I think there is value in learning to "see what you need to see.". With irons you'll also learn what wobble and stability feel like rather than relying on vision.

    If your goal is to get rifleman as fast as possible then you can show up with a 10/22 and scope. If your goal is to learn I'd try to use an iron sighted 22 for my first go and then come back with a center-fire and irons.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by awp_101 View Post
    Has anyone had an issue running the course with a 10/22 takedown? Since no one has (so far) warned against using one I don’t suspect there would be an issue but I know sling tension can sometimes mess with zero or POA/POI.
    They seem to have more chance of a wandering zero than fixed barrel 10/22. The fixed barrel 10/22 can be corrected easily by properly torquing the action screw on the line - not sure what it would take for a takedown.

    Really the problem for field shooting is people will zero off bags with zero tension in the system, and then they shoot under tension and half the time refuse to update their zero or take notes on what they changed (or they chase perfection, not a median group location).

    Zero with a sling under tension while prone, and go from there.
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  5. #15
    I started my first shoot with an M1A with military surplus ammo. Went to a Winchester 52 with factory peep sight.
    Later, started running a Ruger 10/22. (An ammo panic had made centerifire ammo very expensive between those
    shoots.) If I do another I will run the 10/22 again. Ammo cost is still a factory, as is recoil.

    I had a shooting jacket left from Centerfire matches, a shooting glove, slings, an improvised shooting mat made
    from underlayment, and relatively accurate .22 ammo.

    Did not make rifleman due to being old, fat, and asthmatic. The equipment worked OK, but I did not.

    Practice ahead of time, and some physical activity would help, I'm sure.

    I also try to shoot Appleseed in spring, or fall. Don't do well with heat and humidity.

  6. #16
    Would a shooting jacket and glove be useful and/or permitted for Appleseed? I bought a Creedmoor shooting jacket, shooting glove and shooting match years ago when I thought I was going to do some Hi-Power shooting (which I never tried).

    I am debating between using my 10/22 with a 2-7 scope and a suppressor and my Marlin 795 with Tech-Sights.

  7. #17
    G26 MAFIA Noah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamingo View Post
    Would a shooting jacket and glove be useful and/or permitted for Appleseed? I bought a Creedmoor shooting jacket, shooting glove and shooting match years ago when I thought I was going to do some Hi-Power shooting (which I never tried).

    I am debating between using my 10/22 with a 2-7 scope and a suppressor and my Marlin 795 with Tech-Sights.
    I think that would be permitted and useful.

    With my vision, iron sights are a crippling limiting factor on the scaled 300 and 400 targets. Vision would be the deciding factor for me.

  8. #18
    Can you run a silencer if permitted by law?

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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamingo View Post
    Would a shooting jacket and glove be useful and/or permitted for Appleseed? I bought a Creedmoor shooting jacket, shooting glove and shooting match years ago when I thought I was going to do some Hi-Power shooting (which I never tried).

    I am debating between using my 10/22 with a 2-7 scope and a suppressor and my Marlin 795 with Tech-Sights.
    They don't have classifications - I do imagine there'd be some ribbing to compare you against someone who simply runs a sling.

    That said, I use a sling tighter than most, and I've absolutely shot with a good leather mechanic glove for that reason before.

    Go have fun, nobody's going to run you off the range.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sherman A. House DDS View Post
    Can you run a silencer if permitted by law?

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    Yes. Every rifle marksmanship course I've done in the last 2-3 years has been shot with a can. Just have a copy of paperwork for the inevitable range gnome who doesn't know it's legal to own a muffler for your rifle.
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  10. #20
    Mod Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamingo View Post
    Would a shooting jacket and glove be useful and/or permitted for Appleseed? I bought a Creedmoor shooting jacket, shooting glove and shooting match years ago when I thought I was going to do some Hi-Power shooting (which I never tried).

    I am debating between using my 10/22 with a 2-7 scope and a suppressor and my Marlin 795 with Tech-Sights.
    My take: Appleseed is mostly about using a sling. No bags, no bipod. Why add the jacket? I'd go with the scope because you see more (and learn more) than with irons.
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