Humbled to be mentioned here. I don’t really consider myself strong at this point. I’ve had four surgeries in three years. Three were for my the ankle I wrecked at work and one was unrelated. ROM is still garbage as I cannot walk down the stairs like a normal person yet. The limp is pretty noticeable. I still must use caution on uneven ground. During all of this I had to transition my training to a much more spartan equipment selection. Today I think the strongest feat I could accomplish would be a 200lb sandbag over a 48” bar.
That said I did learn a long time ago that exercise selection was my key to continued lifting. I dropped straight bar lifts in lieu of specialty bars. I’m not competing in powerlifting so there is no need to force myself to do things that hurt me. I also incorporate shoulder rehabilitation movements in to my regular routine as preventive maintenance. I am also keenly aware of my push volume vs my pull volume and strive to prevent imbalances.
I have found that Dr Aaron from Squat U and Dr John Rusin to both be excellent resources for injury prevention and rehabilitation.