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Thread: New Shivworks Knife - The Barracuda

  1. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket20_Ginsu View Post
    Love Craig’s stuff and have been watching this thread with interest. Have a disciple and am wondering if I should add a barracuda…How do folks feel this fits contrasts with the disciple? The feature set differences are relatively simple (dimensions, blade geometry, grip orientation options, lip to catch fingers near heal of handle), though functionally are they much different?

    My hypothesis is that the disciple might be the better pure defensive blade as the geometry appears like it’d give slightly better slashing leverage in pikal grip though the barracuda (when configured in pikal orientation) would be a bit easier / more consistent / faster from sheath because of the lip and a better GP / utilitarian / EDC option because of the blade geometry for non SD things…welcome everyone’s thoughts. And if it’s different enough to add to the collection.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    I tried the baraccuda and couldn't warm up to it. Stuck with my clinch pick and el ninos

  2. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket20_Ginsu View Post
    Love Craig’s stuff and have been watching this thread with interest. Have a disciple and am wondering if I should add a barracuda…How do folks feel this fits contrasts with the disciple? The feature set differences are relatively simple (dimensions, blade geometry, grip orientation options, lip to catch fingers near heal of handle), though functionally are they much different?

    My hypothesis is that the disciple might be the better pure defensive blade as the geometry appears like it’d give slightly better slashing leverage in pikal grip though the barracuda (when configured in pikal orientation) would be a bit easier / more consistent / faster from sheath because of the lip and a better GP / utilitarian / EDC option because of the blade geometry for non SD things…welcome everyone’s thoughts. And if it’s different enough to add to the collection.
    I think it's mostly personal preference. I find the Disciple more comfortable to hold in the hand: the handle is more rounded and has a little more meat. I think "how it feels" subjectively is a fairly useless metric for a using knife, though.

    I like the bird's beak for drawing with the Barracuda, especially if you are thinking pocket carry. I like that the Barracuda takes up a little less space IWB: I can hide it AIWB under an athletic t-shirt in a way I can't make the Disciple or even a CP work. That of course will be personal. I like that the sheath/knife is reversible: I like the DCC clips by the spine of the reverse edge blade, rather than the edge. Maybe just a personal thing, but it seems to carry and draw better for me that way, especially when wearing lighter weight pants sans belt. I like that you can swap orientation of edge. I think it does an amazing job of fitting the Shivworks paradigm, adding something new, and also giving a direct competitor to the Amtac Northman, at a better price, with disclosure about the place of manufacture.

    I took a green 3M sponge to the diamond plate handle so it chafed my ever so sensitive abdomen flesh less.

    Can't get the damn picture to upload now, will try again a little later.
    There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men. - Robert Heinlein

  3. #113
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    There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men. - Robert Heinlein

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