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Thread: S&W PC Carry Comp Pistols

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MK11 View Post
    S&W can be stingy on some models when it comes to ban states. Five inch M&Ps are impossible to find at retail, while 4.25s, compacts and Shields are everywhere.

    That said, it's still the same mag design, right? I've bought a couple M&Ps off Gunbroker that shipped without mags and I just added the 10 rounders separately. It's convoluted and not cost effective but unless you're in a state with restrictions beyond the magazine, it can be done.
    It shouldn't be that difficult to find a 5 inch slide to swap out on an M&P. Numrich and MGW frequently have them in stock. Theres also a guy on ebay selling a good variety at a significant markup.

  2. #12
    Rampant Consumerist backtrail540's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MVS View Post
    I plan to check a full size out as soon as my LGS gets one. The money is burning a hole in my pocket as I type. Does anyone know if the large backstraps have enough palm swell to get your support hand behind the gun?
    Large size glove here. More so than most, imo(as compared to glock, shadow systems, p320etc...). The palm swell is toward the rear of the grip, rather than centered like a vp9 or a metal gun with replaceable grip panels would be. I don't like it but some may. Still dig m&p's though.

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    "...and pompous fools drive me up the wall. Ordinary fools are alright; you can talk to them, and try to help them out. But pompous fools - guys who are fools and are covering it all over and impressing people as to how wonderful they are with all this hocus pocus - That, I CANNOT STAND!" - Richard Feynman

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by sickeness View Post
    It shouldn't be that difficult to find a 5 inch slide to swap out on an M&P. Numrich and MGW frequently have them in stock. Theres also a guy on ebay selling a good variety at a significant markup.
    Agreed, I just can't stomach the markup. I was looking at optics ready slides on ebay and instead bought a whole gun for $60 more.

  4. #14
    Basically a factory Arc Division slide, that's neat.

    My worry is jacket fragment from the high pectoral index though. Only thing that stopped me from getting one.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by HCM View Post
    TLDR: S&W copies SIG’s homework.
    Did they really? Which SIG model are you referring to? I've seen them release 'comp'ed slides or expansion port, whatever they call them. I don't recall seeing SIG produce any ACTUAL compensators that attach to the barrel. Also, this appears to be a factory PORTED barrel which has been around forever in the world of Glock. So long in fact that many may have forgotten them, what's old is new I guess.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by RealSelf View Post
    Did they really? Which SIG model are you referring to? I've seen them release 'comp'ed slides or expansion port, whatever they call them. I don't recall seeing SIG produce any ACTUAL compensators that attach to the barrel. Also, this appears to be a factory PORTED barrel which has been around forever in the world of Glock. So long in fact that many may have forgotten them, what's old is new I guess.
    Yep; additionally, S&W has a long tradition of porting the PC guns as well.

  7. #17
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    Dear S&W,

    All I frickin' want you to do is an island comp. Look at the Staccato XC, and do that with the M&P Metal frames. Make to distinct versions; one with the normal length frame (with comp milled as part of the frame), with a 3" slide from the 2.0 sub-compact. Then make the same with a longer frame that uses the traditional 4.25" slide. I know-I know, it'll be difficult. But it will be worth it. I'll buy two of each ([Harry Tasker] I swear! [/Harry Tasker]).

    Fat Masterson

    PS, Make the "Performance Center" slide release standard on all M&Ps.

  8. #18
    I know there is alot of FUD surrounding ported barrels/slides so I ask is there any truth to any of it? Examples...

    - "GOOD LUCK SHOOTING FROM RETENTION" Is shooting from retention a bad idea? I know there will be hot gasses shooting upwards, so is the concussion that bad?

    - Noise factor. "OH ITS SO MUCH LOUDER!" Is it though? I thought it was because the blast is directed up as opposed to away from you so the perception is that it's louder.

    - "YOU CANT SEE SHIT IF YOU USE IT AT NIGHT BECAUSE OF THE MUZZLE FLASH" Unless it's pitch black and your eyes adjusted to the darkness, I don't think that would be an issue. Key word, *think*.

    I have no experience with a comped/ported gun and I know alot of yall do so I come to you for some opinions. Hit me.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by coN View Post
    I know there is alot of FUD surrounding ported barrels/slides so I ask is there any truth to any of it? Examples...

    - "GOOD LUCK SHOOTING FROM RETENTION" Is shooting from retention a bad idea? I know there will be hot gasses shooting upwards, so is the concussion that bad?

    - Noise factor. "OH ITS SO MUCH LOUDER!" Is it though? I thought it was because the blast is directed up as opposed to away from you so the perception is that it's louder.

    - "YOU CANT SEE SHIT IF YOU USE IT AT NIGHT BECAUSE OF THE MUZZLE FLASH" Unless it's pitch black and your eyes adjusted to the darkness, I don't think that would be an issue. Key word, *think*.

    I have no experience with a comped/ported gun and I know alot of yall do so I come to you for some opinions. Hit me.
    Imo none of these are issues in real life. It is louder in enclosed spaces

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by coN View Post
    I know there is alot of FUD surrounding ported barrels/slides so I ask is there any truth to any of it? Examples...

    - "GOOD LUCK SHOOTING FROM RETENTION" Is shooting from retention a bad idea? I know there will be hot gasses shooting upwards, so is the concussion that bad?

    - Noise factor. "OH ITS SO MUCH LOUDER!" Is it though? I thought it was because the blast is directed up as opposed to away from you so the perception is that it's louder.

    - "YOU CANT SEE SHIT IF YOU USE IT AT NIGHT BECAUSE OF THE MUZZLE FLASH" Unless it's pitch black and your eyes adjusted to the darkness, I don't think that would be an issue. Key word, *think*.

    I have no experience with a comped/ported gun and I know alot of yall do so I come to you for some opinions. Hit me.
    As G19Fan said none of that is really a problem. I have been shooting Glock C models for years. They are harder to clean, that is about it. If for some reason whatever venue you are competing in doesn't allow ports then a barrel swap is easy.

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