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Thread: Operation Texas Kill Switch; initiative focused on machine gun conversion devices

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    Operation Texas Kill Switch; initiative focused on machine gun conversion devices

    U.S. Attorney’s office, ATF announce joint initiative focused on machine gun conversion devices in Texas
    Operation Texas Kill Switch is aimed at heightening awareness

    SAN ANTONIO – The U.S. Attorney’s office and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives held press conference Monday to address what they say is a growing prevalence of machine gun conversion devices across Texas.
    U.S. Attorney Jaime Esparza and Assistant Special Agent in Charge Robert Topper for the ATF Houston Field Division announced a joint initiative.

    The initiative is called Operation Texas Kill Switch, and it’s aimed at heightening awareness of the devices and increasing prosecution for anyone who manufactures, sells and possesses them.
    The ATF has been warning of the increased prevalence of the devices, which can be made of metal or plastic and even printed with 3D printers.

    They convert commercial handguns into automatic weapons. The switch itself is considered a machine gun because they allow a gun to fire multiple rounds with one trigger pull. In many cases, their firing power outpaces military-grade machine guns, Topper said.

    He also said they have a particular appeal to young people and have contributed to deaths across the country.
    Between 2017 and 2023, Texas-based ATF agents seized 991 switches; 490 of those, 50 percent, were seized just last year, a press release stated.

    “These “Switches” as they are often called on the streets, not only pose a serious threat to those living in our communities but a unique and deadly threat to law enforcement. Simply possessing one of these devices is a federal crime and we will work endlessly in conjunction with our United States Attorney’s Office in addition to our local, state, and federal partners to identify and prosecute these crimes,” said Special Agent in Charge Michael Weddel for ATF Houston in a press release.

    The agencies are collaborating with local and state agencies to identify the devices.
    They’re also asking the public to reach out to law enforcement if they are aware of someone with a switch.
    From now until Aug. 31, Crime Stoppers will offer rewards of up to $5,000 for anonymous tips leading to the apprehension or prosecution of those who possess switches or 3D printers being used to manufacture them. Information may also be submitted directly to ATF online.
    It’s illegal to own a conversion device and the charge could carry a sentence of up to 10 years in federal prison.

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    These things (Glock switches) have become pretty common here, common enough that we’ve had one on a handgun seized from a student in a high school and had another seized after a gun with a switch was pawned, never redeemed and then placed out for sale with the switch on it by pawnshop employees who didn’t know what it was.

    Houston sees more of these than we do, but they are becoming a regular occurrence here as well.

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    In many cases, their firing power outpaces military-grade machine guns, Topper said.
    I'm generally in favor of keeping full auto out of the hands of bad people... but... making stuff up is never helpful.
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by RoyGBiv View Post
    I'm generally in favor of keeping full auto out of the hands of bad people... but... making stuff up is never helpful.
    I’m guessing they’re referring to the cyclic rate of fire you’ll get with a switch which can be higher than military machineguns. A Glock 18 has a cyclic rate of 1,100-1,200 rounds/minute. The switch would replicate that. An M249 has a cyclic rate of 850 rounds/minute. An M240 has a cyclic rate of 650-950 rounds/minute depending on gas setting.

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    Like I said, matter of time until the switch and the like are added to the 'ban all semis' mantra. NYS had that proposed to ban Glocks. As the yacht sails on and flag flies upside down. Oh, wait - we have a case about spouse abusers and let's see what happens with substance abuse.

    Will Thomas and Alito spring to spring Hunter?
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyGBiv View Post
    I'm generally in favor of keeping full auto out of the hands of bad people... but... making stuff up is never helpful.
    Wobbly possum addressed the technical issue, but this sort of comment (and the disbelief that prompts it) here in prior discussions of Glock Switches and Drop in Auto Sears (and “80% firearms”) is why I posted this.

    Just because the anti gun people seize on something as an issue doesn’t mean it’s automatically not an issue. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

    I’m aware of at least two LEOs shot with Switch equipped pistols in Houston (one fatally). We have not had an LEO here shot with a Glock Switch equipped pistol but we have had one shot with an AR-15 equipped with a drop in auto sear.

    If you’ve never shot a switch equipped Glock, they are quite the handful, even for a competent shooter.

    Keep in mind the 991 Glock switches seized by ATF agents in Texas do not represent all such seizures. Just the ones where ATF was involved and took custody of the switch. These cases are also pursued in state court, and by other agencies that generally don’t get Atf involved such as the FBI. The last Glock switch case I was involved with the gun and switch did not go to Atf.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by HCM View Post
    Wobbly possum addressed the technical issue, but this sort of comment (and the disbelief that prompts it) here in prior discussions of Glock Switches and Drop in Auto Sears (and “80% firearms”) is why I posted this.

    Just because the anti gun people seize on something as an issue doesn’t mean it’s automatically not an issue. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

    I’m aware of at least two LEOs shot with Switch equipped pistols in Houston (one fatally). We have not had an LEO here shot with a Glock Switch equipped pistol but we have had one shot with an AR-15 equipped with a drop in auto sear.

    If you’ve never shot a switch equipped Glock, they are quite the handful, even for a competent shooter.

    Keep in mind the 991 Glock switches seized by ATF agents in Texas do not represent all such seizures. Just the ones where ATF was involved and took custody of the switch. These cases are also pursued in state court, and by other agencies that generally don’t get Atf involved such as the FBI. The last Glock switch case I was involved with the gun and switch did not go to Atf.
    Appreciate you posting this info. As a non gang banger who avoids stupid places I wasn't aware they were so common.

    It does seem though that they are here to stay. If they can actually be 3D printed or made by other garage-level tech, I can't imagine felons being disuaded from acquiring them for fear of becoming a felon.

  8. #8
    Hopefully agencies are getting training on the mechanics of the switches. It’s about a 3 minute process to convert one to permanent full-time full auto and there’s no external way to tell.
    -All views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect those of the author's employer-

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlejerry View Post
    Appreciate you posting this info. As a non gang banger who avoids stupid places I wasn't aware they were so common.

    It does seem though that they are here to stay. If they can actually be 3D printed or made by other garage-level tech, I can't imagine felons being disuaded from acquiring them for fear of becoming a felon.
    Yeah the days of these things only coming in from China mos labeled as “airsoft parts” are long over.

    Many of the individuals we’re seeing with these are already felons.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FNFAN View Post
    Hopefully agencies are getting training on the mechanics of the switches. It’s about a 3 minute process to convert one to permanent full-time full auto and there’s no external way to tell.
    So there is a way to do that, but a lot of these guys want the visually distinguishable back plate replacement since having a switch is a flex in their world.

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