“Minimum to the principal, maximum to the threat.” Oh, wait
“Minimum to the principal, maximum to the threat.” Oh, wait
Was there a guy who just grabbed the baton from the woman and just strolled away with it. Wearing a orange jacket?
Cloud Yeller of the Boomer Age, My continued existence is an exercise in nostalgia.
It was instantly obvious that the guy was going to clown for the camera until he felt his point was made. There is no reasoning possible, he'll never back down and you'll have to hurt him to arrest him...and you'll be doing it in front of a hyperlib and media scum.
Either shut the interview down, which would be the 1st through the 999th choices given the location, politics and races involved; or place yourself between him and the principal and just watch him(without saying a word) until he either walks off or can't stand it and explodes.
Your real problems are the mayor and the reporter. Teaming up with the black guy and assaulting them would be a tempting choice.
Less risk of injury, zero risk of serious repercussions like prison or burning America down, and likely a lot more satisfying.
Somebody off camera threw it to our activated security guy. Just spitballing, but I suspect that there were other car-born security guys, or separate security personnel watching the quasi-donnybrook. Kudos, I suppose, for not leaving the post, if so. That possible scenario shows some discipline.
With the caveat that I wasn’t there, obviously.
Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos.
-George W. Bush
Someone's never trained in a gi
Hairpull takedown, FTMFW, would be my answer. OTOH, this was probably needless, get the principal out of the area and call for uniforms.