Ok, I made a start at a process to create all the needed graphics for the MRDS to reflect "window" size. So the text is easy, that's just the optic name, MOA, color, etc. The tricky part is how to draw the dot. More specifically, what size do I draw them at?
Here's a start at two I'm working on, the COA (since it was on my mind) and my HS 407k GR, which I have here at my desk.
I'll leave out the mathematical mumbo jumbo (*) I used to arrive at the dot sizes, but these "windows" are scaled to actual size on my drawing tool...so how the dot looks in the window "should" in theory be correct.
I dunno. I am sitting here looking at my 407k, and can't quite get past that my drawing looks a little small, relative to the actual dot I see.
I don't have any other dots handy, but if someone has one, with a single MOA dot (or a multi reticle, I guess, like a 507c), that I can add to these two, can you let me know? If so, I'll build a dot picture, then ask you to look at your dot, and tell me, do you think it's "the same" as what you are seeing?
(I dunno if anyone has a COA, but that would be another one to try).
* I can post the math stuff, but I doubt anyone's interested.