I'm ready for an old-school 640 (no lock, 1-7/8" barrel, .38 Special only) but with a pinned front blade and Novak-style rear sight.
Sounds mundane? Not to me. I think of it as "undicking-up" the once simple, durable, controllable and slightly more compact Centennial and giving it the benefit of having sights that anyone without astigmatism-free, 20/20 youthful eyesight can actually use.
But I'm the old cat who meows at clouds.
"On the internet, nobody knows if you are a dog... or even a cat."
I have the Kimber K6xs and the K6s, would love to see Kimber or DB if they prove to be worthy of the $777.00 price tag to produce an all steel model in 9mm with or without moonclips. I gave up reloading last year and kept 38/357 chamberings. Man that was a mistake, as far as ammo price and availablity goes. 9mm is relatively cheap and available, they also have some premier SD offerings.
I think it is a niche that needs to be tapped.
Many old "Fudds" are looking for a 6 shot DA Revolver with 9mm chambering, in a small concealable package.
I'd buy one!
I’d love to see revolvers that don’t need a trip back to the factory.
Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos.
-George W. Bush
I think most of the revolver fans will be happy with our launch tomorrow.
Jason / Lipsey’s
I bought the 38 Special 640 when they first came out. Unfortunately I traded it for a 357 SP101 when those came out as I had a 642 that was carried a lot more than the 640. I still have and like the Ruger but still wish I’d kept the 640 also.
I’d definitely buy one like you described.
I am. The fact that manufacturers are paying attention to revolvers is a very good thing. I'm hoping for a DAO 6-shot airweight 38 Special with a 3" barrel and night sights that can be seen well enough to use.
Also, hats off to Caleb. I suspect that his agitation is bearing fruit, however indirectly.
Okie John
“The reliability of the 30-06 on most of the world’s non-dangerous game is so well established as to be beyond intelligent dispute.” Finn Aagaard
"Don't fuck with it" seems to prevent the vast majority of reported issues." BehindBlueI's
I would like to see a 10 shot .22 mag K frame snub given the AirLite treatment.
“Remember, being healthy is basically just dying as slowly as possible,” Ricky Gervais