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Thread: New revolvers at SHOT/Lipsey's release

  1. #1831
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    south TX
    Quote Originally Posted by CLaw View Post
    Right now, unless something happens to change my mind, I believe that Lipsey's will stand behind their product. I believe that, in the end, I will have a good working gun. I'm disappointed in what appears to be ongoing QC related issues at S&W. At the same time, though, I want to support what Lipsey's has done for folks that are revolver enthusiasts like my dad and those of us like me who want to dip their toe into revolvers. So, I'm willing to take a few chances here on Lipsey's items, as I believe that the market's reception of these revolvers will help to drive more options and better products for shooters. And, while I don't know people at Lipsey or DB or Bryan personally, I've benefited from their collective work and effort for the community which makes me want to support them.

    That doesn't mean that I'm going to be tooting S&W's horn though at the moment. While I want the new no-lock 19, I will not be purchasing it at this time because of my dissatisfaction with S&W's QC. However, I do plan to still grab the mountain guns and the TI model to support Lipsey and the American Fighting Revolver crew. I realize that might seem a bit contradictory, but that's how I feel at the moment, not that I think anyone should give my personal opinion much weight on what they do with their time and money.

    I picked the UC over the LCR because this is primarily a pocket gun for me, and I feel the j-frame is likely to carry a bit better in the pocket. Additionally, I just like the classic looks. Probably the silliest reason to chose one over the other, but there we are... lol I'm not afraid to admit it!
    This mirrors my own feelings. All that is holding me back is the lack of disposable coin.
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  2. #1832
    Site Supporter defilade's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    For what it’s worth, I purchased a 432UC from a local gun shop in December after shooting one at the Revolver Round Up.

    When I first picked it up, I noticed that it seemed pretty dry, and the trigger stuck back the first time I dry fired it, however it didn’t do it again. I brought it home and dryfired it a little, but I didn’t have very many bullets. I had a partial box of 32H&R from High Deset and a few boxes of another company’s 32H&Rs. I shot about 50-75 rounds with no issues, then waited for the reloading components to arrive.

    Once I got some bullets loaded I took it out and shot it some more. The trigger was a little heavy and felt different from my other 442’s so I went ahead and ordered a apex kit. I didn’t need it, and I’m sure it would have cleaned up with some dry fire, but I have had good luck with the Apex Duty Kits.

    With the side plate off, I found the gun to be a little dry but clean. I places a few drops of oil and replaced the springs with the Apex springs. The trigger was a little nicer for me after that. I think with the different geometry of where the trigger pins are, it might be what causes the trigger to feel different?

    Anyway, all that being said, the gun was fine. And adding a few drops of oil isn’t really any different than if I had bought a new semiauto, it would have had to be broken down and lubed as well.

    I think S&W has done a better job on quality control after the first batch of UC’s were produced. I realize that they may still have a gun or two that don’t get a good QC inspection like they should. That being said, you also have to consider the current work force that they have to hire fiom. Everyone is struggling to find good people to fill jobs. I work the thr Fire Department, back when I started in my city I had to compete against around 100 candidates to get on a list to maybe get a job. Now when we try to hire, we might get 10 people to apply and about half of them have none of the requirements met that we need to hire them. Not to mention the ones who don’t even know what the Fire Department actually does,

    I understand everyone hesitation with Smithand Wesson and it is frustrating. But we also only hear about the bad things, most of the people that get a gun that works just go shoot them and don’t waste their time on forums talking about how their guns works.

    Just my two cents.


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