This mirrors my own feelings. All that is holding me back is the lack of disposable coin.Right now, unless something happens to change my mind, I believe that Lipsey's will stand behind their product. I believe that, in the end, I will have a good working gun. I'm disappointed in what appears to be ongoing QC related issues at S&W. At the same time, though, I want to support what Lipsey's has done for folks that are revolver enthusiasts like my dad and those of us like me who want to dip their toe into revolvers. So, I'm willing to take a few chances here on Lipsey's items, as I believe that the market's reception of these revolvers will help to drive more options and better products for shooters. And, while I don't know people at Lipsey or DB or Bryan personally, I've benefited from their collective work and effort for the community which makes me want to support them.
That doesn't mean that I'm going to be tooting S&W's horn though at the moment. While I want the new no-lock 19, I will not be purchasing it at this time because of my dissatisfaction with S&W's QC. However, I do plan to still grab the mountain guns and the TI model to support Lipsey and the American Fighting Revolver crew. I realize that might seem a bit contradictory, but that's how I feel at the moment, not that I think anyone should give my personal opinion much weight on what they do with their time and money.
I picked the UC over the LCR because this is primarily a pocket gun for me, and I feel the j-frame is likely to carry a bit better in the pocket. Additionally, I just like the classic looks. Probably the silliest reason to chose one over the other, but there we are... lol I'm not afraid to admit it!