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Thread: New revolvers at SHOT/Lipsey's release

  1. #1

    New revolvers at SHOT/Lipsey's release

    Who is ready for some cool new revolvers to be introduced at SHOT?
    Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.

  2. #2
    If you are, here you go:

    Looks like a Kimber copy.
    Code Name: JET STREAM

  3. #3
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    Jan 2012
    Upper Michigan
    All I want is a lightweight 32 LCR. I'd buy 4.

  4. #4
    I would love to see a non-moon clip 9x19 Revolver like Korth Skyhawk type thing. I was on the waitlist at the LGS for one of those and they were discontinued before I got one.

  5. #5
    I am. And our very own Darryl Bolke has elsewhere strongly hinted that we can expect at SHOT new revolver offerings from S&W influenced by his and Bryan Eastridge's input on what S&W should be offering in personal defense revolvers.

    My interest is piqued. More info supposed to come this weekend on their AFR site; and for anyone attending SHOT, they're going to be at the Lipsey's booth.
    Hain’t we got all the fools in town on our side? And ain’t that a big enough majority in any town?

  6. #6
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    Upper Michigan
    Another run of the Night Guards would be cool.

  7. #7
    I saw a teaser from Lipseys yesterday. Commenters seemed to think it involved S&W.
    I’d be happy if some catalogued Rugers were actually available. I’ve been wanting the 5 1/2 Bisley in either 44 Magnum or Special. A local shop has been unable to find one of either for me. The magnum version was announced two years ago I think

  8. #8
    I'd love to see a Ruger Redhawk that shoots .45 ACP that actually works reliably, unlike the previous release. I don't think they even make those anymore. Or a Super GP100 that doesn't look funky as the current ones do.

    Other than that, I'd just like to see Ruger and S&W talk about how they are taking steps to vastly improve QC in the year of 2024.

  9. #9
    I can't wait for Sunday afternoon when the release hits. I am thinking something(s) that the PF tribe will adore.
    Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Watson View Post
    If you are, here you go:

    Looks like a Kimber copy.
    That looks pretty cool. 2oz lighter than a comparable Kimber. If this has similar trigger pull to the Kimber and generally decent quality I will be very very interested in a 3" model. I hope the grips are not proprietary.

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