Who is ready for some cool new revolvers to be introduced at SHOT?
Who is ready for some cool new revolvers to be introduced at SHOT?
Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.
If you are, here you go:
Looks like a Kimber copy.
All I want is a lightweight 32 LCR. I'd buy 4.
I would love to see a non-moon clip 9x19 Revolver like Korth Skyhawk type thing. I was on the waitlist at the LGS for one of those and they were discontinued before I got one.
I am. And our very own Darryl Bolke has elsewhere strongly hinted that we can expect at SHOT new revolver offerings from S&W influenced by his and Bryan Eastridge's input on what S&W should be offering in personal defense revolvers.
My interest is piqued. More info supposed to come this weekend on their AFR site; and for anyone attending SHOT, they're going to be at the Lipsey's booth.
Hain’t we got all the fools in town on our side? And ain’t that a big enough majority in any town?
Another run of the Night Guards would be cool.
I saw a teaser from Lipseys yesterday. Commenters seemed to think it involved S&W.
I’d be happy if some catalogued Rugers were actually available. I’ve been wanting the 5 1/2 Bisley in either 44 Magnum or Special. A local shop has been unable to find one of either for me. The magnum version was announced two years ago I think
I'd love to see a Ruger Redhawk that shoots .45 ACP that actually works reliably, unlike the previous release. I don't think they even make those anymore. Or a Super GP100 that doesn't look funky as the current ones do.
Other than that, I'd just like to see Ruger and S&W talk about how they are taking steps to vastly improve QC in the year of 2024.
I can't wait for Sunday afternoon when the release hits. I am thinking something(s) that the PF tribe will adore.
Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.