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Thread: Recommendations - Razors for Noggins

  1. #11
    Harry's is the best razor / blades I've used. I have a light beard and shave three times a week. One blade unit lasts a month.

    A peaceful man is capable of great violence, but he keeps it under control. If a man is not capable of violence, he is not peaceful. He is just harmless. (Jordan Peterson)

  2. #12
    I'm always on the lookout for a better razor for my dome. I shave my face 5-6x/week and my head 3-4x, always in the shower. I try to remember to start every Monday with a fresh blade, and when I forget, I definitely notice it.

    I've used the Schick Extreme 3 for a couple decades now, I've found the little bit of flex in the blades is just right for me. Sadly, about 3yrs ago, my old, original Extreme 3 handle gave up the ghost and now they only sell this model as a disposable...and light, disposable handles suck. If I could find another handle, I probably wouldn't look any further.

    Tried going back to the Mach 3, my original baldy blade, but didn't get the same close shave. Used it until the replacement blades it came with wore out and went back the the Schick. I was karma'd a Harry's Razor here, but it's so different to shave my face with it that I haven't been brave enough to try it on my head.

    I tried a by god safety razor, face shave was nice, head and looked like I'd used a Cuisinart. Also learned that leaving them in the shower as I do resulted in rust issues almost immediately.

    Recently, I've been tempted to try the Supply Co. SE, but haven't taken the plunge yet.

  3. #13
    Site Supporter Coyotesfan97's Avatar
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    The Braun S9 Sport is on sale through Costco for $149 in store and online. I saw it when I was working last.

    Braun S9 Sport
    Just a dog chauffeur that used to hold the dumb end of the leash.

  4. #14
    Site Supporter Elwin's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the input. A lot more votes for shower and three (or however many) blade disposable.

    I had bought a Leaf razor (basically a typical three blade razor but is uses standard razor blades and is all metal) and tried it, and didn't initially find it to be an improvement over a safety razor - basically the same amount of time to prep, lather, etc. and not as close a shave. But, using it in the shower honestly may be the simple thing I couldn't think of that makes it useful. So far that's faster even if it's still not as close as a proper DE shave, which is what I was looking for.

    I will keep that Braun S9 in mind if I still end up wanting an electric option.

  5. #15
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    I shaved my head one time and it took forever(I blame my fat head. I know if I practice more I'll get better). I am thinking about trying a cheap electric head razor from Amazon Prime. If I don't like it I can send it back.

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