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Thread: Information request: stage building and prop building resources

  1. #1

    Information request: stage building and prop building resources

    Hey guys,

    I want to start arranging local matches, and I would love any of your favorite tips and pointers on stage and match design. Perhaps someone has some favorite videos, or documents to share?

    Our walls are long overdue for a renewal, so any of your favorite tips on constructing stage props and walls would also be nice. I'm not sure if there are any well-known tricks for making your typical IPSC portable wall.. the compromise between weight and sturdiness always seems to fall heavily on the "flimsy" side.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    out of here
    Quote Originally Posted by jellydonut View Post
    Hey guys,

    I want to start arranging local matches, and I would love any of your favorite tips and pointers on stage and match design. Perhaps someone has some favorite videos, or documents to share?

    Our walls are long overdue for a renewal, so any of your favorite tips on constructing stage props and walls would also be nice. I'm not sure if there are any well-known tricks for making your typical IPSC portable wall.. the compromise between weight and sturdiness always seems to fall heavily on the "flimsy" side.
    Enos forum is probably the best resource for this. I think I remember a few threads on what people have done that works well for their club.

    If a new club you probably want light weight and portable.

    Usually that is a set of 2x2s (or 1x1s) with snow fencing that can be rolled up and unfurled. Then you just hang the wood on hook hangers on posts.

    If you use wood on each side like a scroll, it becomes more sturdy if you secure both ends.

  3. #3
    We use 1inch pvc pipe for walls. Be sure to get the thicker wall version. We use snow fencing and wire ties to fill in between the frame. Since the pvc comes in 10ft pieces I make a 5ft square w/ the bottom corners made from 'tee' joints so I can extend the sides down another 1ft. Then I put another 'tee' piece on the bottom arranged so I can stick two one ft pieces out sideways to form a base so the wall will stand on it's own. It ends up being 6ft tall w/ the top 4ft having the snow fencing. Easy to make, easy to use, and I keep unions and extra pvc handy for when it gets shot. Much, much nicer than wood 2x2s since it doesn't get rough and splinter.

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