What's the c current p-f hive - mine r mind preference ne for a semiantorifle? In,308 I haveirrationaldesiresthanks - I have developed
What's the c current p-f hive - mine r mind preference ne for a semiantorifle? In,308 I haveirrationaldesiresthanks - I have developed
“Formerly we suffered from crimes; now we suffer from laws.” - Tacitus.
I really like the HK91 clones with a the Magpul grip and thumb safety, and slightly extended cocking handle.
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What’s your budget and what do you want to do with it?
Director Of Sales
Knight's Armament Company
I have nothing to add about semiauto .308s, I just want to say it’s good to see you posting again.
My posts only represent my personal opinion and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or official policies of any employer, past or present. Obvious spelling errors are likely the result of an iPhone keyboard.
Having owned a DSA FAL, a pair of the PTR91, a CETME, a pair of Springfield M1A's, and several custom AR10's, I concluded that the AR10 platform was the best in my hands, although there is nothing wrong with the others.
I believe when we get to major caliber rifles and shooting a lot, the ergo's matter more. I found I could adjust the ergo's to my liking with the AR10 and the others had rather limited options for curing the things I did not like so much.
If I were buying a new one tomorrow I would probably opt for that new Sig packaged version they allegedly sold the Indian army. A close friend bought one and loves it.
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I've been wanting one for awhile now and just not satisfied with the available options. Was really, REALLY hoping the Ruger SFAR was going to work out, but all the complaints scared me off of it. FAL and PT91 are a bit too exotic for me, so I picked up a SA M1A SOCOM 16 used and in shot very little condition.
I've had a M1A NM for a long time but that beast is too heavy to carry around much.
I really like my Browning BAR DBM. Mags are spendy, but it’s easy to mount an optic and handy. I’ve the wood stock version.
No easy way to mount irons if that’s important to you.
Semper Paratus,
If I were purchasing a self-loading .308 and my budget allowed it, I would go with an LWRC REPR. Of all of the .308s I've fired, the REPR made it the easiest to get the bullets where I wanted them to go. It is a refined shooting machine.
I tend to agree. My first love was the M14 pattern and despite the fact I feel it gets way too much hate in the forums these days I have to say that a GOOD 308 AR/AR10 is hard to beat The suck is they are all somewhat proprietary but the reality is they are somewhat of a specialized gun to begin with. I settled with a PWS MK216 and I
Love the thing! It comes in a little over 10 lbs with optic so while no light is not too heavy for what it is. Having thousands of rounds through a Sig516 I also wouldn’t hesitate to go with a 716.
Those are entirely too logical questions,friend
Identifying a Budget is a recipe for poorlyunmanaged expectations I should be in. Govt I’m on the spend em all and let the accountants sort it out train for guns an ammo I have no delusions of getting this done at PSA prices
Purpose I want a reliable hood handling carbine that extends effective range pout over what ;,556 can do and converts some light over intoconcealmenti pushever comes to shove
ReliableSupressability would be a nice benefit
Wonder where I could findansr-25 carbine?
“Formerly we suffered from crimes; now we suffer from laws.” - Tacitus.