I've been out of buying woodworking equipment for a while, so I'm looking for some advice on what is currently available. Many years ago, I worked in a custom cabinet shop. We built full custom kitchens the old-school way. Solid core 3/4" plywood boxes, hardwood raised panel doors that were made from our own blanks...we even made our own drawers. Now that I have a new house, I want to return to doing some light woodworking. Nothing crazy like building full kitchens. Just lightweight hobby work. The heaviest work I can think of is to be able to rip up a half sheet of 3/4" plywood and cut dado joints with it.
Are there any decent table saws on the market that would handle this kind of work? I really don't want to go to a full cabinet saw. Something more portable. I'll probably build a mobile infeed/outfeed table or two to go with it. The only other requirement I can think of is that I would like it to work on standard home 110v power. I haven't set a budget yet.