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Thread: AAR: Two Pillars Training (J. Hearne) "Cognitive Pistol w/Tactical Anatomy", VA 9/9/

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    AAR: Two Pillars Training (J. Hearne) "Cognitive Pistol w/Tactical Anatomy", VA 9/9/

  2. #2
    Member John Hearne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Northern Mississippi
    Thanks for taking the time to write that up. It’s great to hear that I’m accomplishing the goals I set out to hit.
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by John Hearne View Post
    Thanks for taking the time to write that up. It’s great to hear that I’m accomplishing the goals I set out to hit.
    Sure thing. I'm glad I was one of the dozen who got to take it.

    As I have been downshifting the last couple of years in the number of courses I take, I have been more circumspect about those courses I DO take. They need to A) fill a void and B) be worth it.

    This and the lecture course covered those bases well.

    Thanks for all you do.

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