It’s still working occasionally from my phone, but not my desktop.
"Everything in life is really simple, provided you don’t know a f—–g thing about it." - Kevin D. Williamson
One ringy dingy.
In the P-F basket of deplorables.
All this tells me a Russian or N Korean cyber attack is imminent.
Radio communication will rule the day.
Call sigh Firefox.
Last edited by Borderland; 09-19-2023 at 09:09 PM.
In the P-F basket of deplorables.
Tried to open the website and it said my account had been suspended. Checked PF in private browser mode and things looked up to date. Went in and Deleted cookies from PF, re-logged in and things seem to be working fine now without additional problems, no reverting to pages from last Saturday etc.
im strong, i can run faster than train
It's working on my desktop now, hope it holds up!
"Everything in life is really simple, provided you don’t know a f—–g thing about it." - Kevin D. Williamson
Working fine on my Ipad.
Had a server unavailable this AM. Seems to be working great this PM. Fingers crossed.
In the P-F basket of deplorables.