Doesn't read posts longer than two paragraphs.
Simply put, this could have all been avoided.
There are for-profit companies that specialize in managing the operations of NPOs. I guarantee you the annual amount spent on a management company is less than USPSA has already paid to settle past lawsuits and future lawsuits.
As the saying goes, "If you think a professional is expensive, wait until you see how much an amateur costs."
Skimmed the report - amazing how folks can take a relatively simple event, and flush the whole organization.
Cloud Yeller of the Boomer Age, My continued existence is an exercise in nostalgia.
This sucks.
Members will be the ones that suffers the most from this. They are already bleeding money. Idk what it will take to change the culture of the board but the org has clearly gotten way too big for a good ole boys club to manage.
I find it hard to believe they did this on purpose (not paying taxes) but honestly the bans were BS and it seems they haven't learned from it.
"Shooting is 90% mental. The rest is in your head." -Nils
What a mess. Let my membership lapse last year when I started hearing about this dumb crap by the BOD. If there were PCSL matches around here I’d probably start shooting those instead.
Formerly known as xpd54.
The opinions expressed in this post are my own and do not reflect the opinions or policies of my employer.
I was having trouble finding the exhibits, so I made an index of them for my use. Attaching in case it helps someone else follow this through the system.
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