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Thread: USPSA Now Being Sued - Allegedly Not a Valid Corporation

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by RJ View Post
    Link posted on PSI just now. Downloadable (41M, 268 pages) here, Stark County Court of Common Pleas:

    (Can read online, but must register for a Scribd account to download.)
    Summary of Lawsuit by Page(s):

    1-8 Introduction and naming of names

    8-16 Summary of events regarding Nationals held at Cameo Shooting Complex, Colorado (State with mag cap ban) (aka "Cameogate" ) June, 2022

    17-21 Summary of Wrongful Suspension and Due Process, Summer 2022 to Spring/Summer 2023

    22-23 Claim for Relief

    24 Statement of Plaintiff Demands for judgement:

    Name:  Screenshot from 2023-09-09 10-45-46.jpg
Views: 563
Size:  36.5 KB

    25-268 Supporting Exhibits
    Last edited by RJ; 09-09-2023 at 10:07 AM.

  2. #22
    RJ, thanks for posting this. The main complaint is only 20 something pages and is worth a read if you care about USPSA.

    Interesting they filed it on the start of Open Nationals, likely timed for maximum impact. The plaintiff has likely spent five figures on the preparation of this lawsuit. If the plaintiff prevails with venue in Ohio, USPSA will have to hire local counsel and deal with whatever peculiarities there are to Ohio state law and civil procedures. This isn't frivolous and likely to easily go away.
    Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.

  3. #23
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    Sigh, I just want to shoot at things.
    Cloud Yeller of the Boomer Age, My continued existence is an exercise in nostalgia.

  4. #24
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    Name:  IMG_1649.jpeg
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  5. #25
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    Random thoughts

    Caveats-I have not read the complaint. My knowledge of corporate law peaked in mid July 1992 right before I took the bar exam.

    1. Opining that a civil lawsuit will settle is not much of a stretch as 95%+ do on routine basis. It literally is just this side of the Sun is going to rise tomorrow.

    2. Generally-the ones that don’t are frivolous and brought by unreasonable folks OR are in fact meritorious and are brought by folks trying to make a point such that the result is often far more important than the money.

    3. DEL is historically is a state that is seen as very business friendly such that so many entities incorporate there and try to have DEL choice of law stipulations in contracts etc.

    4. Corp compliance and consequences therefrom tends to be like waking up a bear toward the end of hibernation- very slow to wake up but very agitated when it finally happens

    5. If banned folks were making a living before they were “banned” they may have a cause of action

    6. GJM is spot on that the filing of this lawsuit likely means a resolution will take years v months.

    7. It is a really poor look if an entity has not been in “good standing” for years on end. It absolutely gives the impression that if they could not even bother to file fairly mundane paperwork with the state what other balls, PARTICULARLY FINANCIAL, have they dropped. Therefore, in the civil context, this can open a literal Pandora’s box of discovery.
    When corporate entities and their officers/officials therein, play fast and loose with money, at some point, it can stop being a civil matter and morph into something criminal
    When the dollars involved hit 6 figures, involve entities that are not for profit, involve activities that cross state lines, the matters can often turn “federal.”

    8. A take away for civil minded folks like us may be that if you serve on any board or commission etc, it behooves us greatly to be intimately familiar with the Directors/Officers Liability Insurance Plan (s).
    I am not your attorney. I am not giving legal advice. Any and all opinions expressed are personal and my own and are not those of any employer-past, present or future.

  6. #26
    Deadeye Dick Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn E. Meyer View Post
    Sigh, I just want to shoot at things.
    I do too. And I want a USPSA BoD that supports fair competition, instead of treating the org like their private gun club. I've interacted at length with a couple of BoD members. They always seemed like such nice gentlemen. Then I read transcripts of the shit they said in private, or to members who've stepped out of line. These are not good people. They are not just looking out for the org, and protecting it from evil trolls. They are looking out for themselves and are covering their asses because they know they have done shady things.
    I don't speak Woke. Can you say that in English?

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by vcdgrips View Post
    7. It is a really poor look if an entity has not been in “good standing” for years on end. It absolutely gives the impression that if they could not even bother to file fairly mundane paperwork with the state what other balls, PARTICULARLY FINANCIAL, have they dropped. Therefore, in the civil context, this can open a literal Pandora’s box of discovery.
    When corporate entities and their officers/officials therein, play fast and loose with money, at some point, it can stop being a civil matter and morph into something criminal
    When the dollars involved hit 6 figures, involve entities that are not for profit, involve activities that cross state lines, the matters can often turn “federal.”

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn E. Meyer View Post
    Sigh, I just want to shoot at things.
    Me too.

    But reading some of the emails in the Exhibits from these USPSA Just wow.

  9. #29
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    Living across the Golden Bridge , and through the Rainbow Tunnel, somewhere north of Fantasyland.
    My decision not to renew my membership last week when it expired is looking better.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJ View Post
    Me too.

    But reading some of the emails in the Exhibits from these USPSA Just wow.
    I haven’t read. But I can imagine.

    @vcdgrips paraphrased it accurately. Iamnal.

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