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Thread: Uncle Pat NYPD story, and how that career may have never happened....

  1. #1
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    Uncle Pat NYPD story, and how that career may have never happened....

    Might have been covered before,

    But who heard Pat's story about his third and final NYPD physical? Where he made height....


  2. #2

    Pat told me that story, when I attended a Carbine II class in Great Falls Montana back in 2011, I believe. It's a hoot. As much as I miss the training he provided, I miss Pat's stories and scrap book of photos. And, his friendship and support.

    Bruce Cartwright
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  3. #3
    Site Supporter Coyotesfan97's Avatar
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    I’ve never heard it but it sounds epic.
    Just a dog chauffeur that used to hold the dumb end of the leash.

  4. #4
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    When I attended Pat's Low Light class here in PA, I had the pleasure of having dinner with Pat at the hotel. The NYPD physical was one of several stories Pat related, it certainly was a pissah.
    "There are two ways to do most anything- right and again."

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coyotesfan97 View Post
    I’ve never heard it but it sounds epic.
    Based on almost 20 year old memory.

    Pat was a short little Irish NY fuck. After Vietnam service, he tried to get a job at NYPD. Circa 1973. At the time I believe LAPD had a requirement of 5'8" to pass the physical...just for refernce...Height requirement busted him twice, allowing him to reapply. The third would have left him ineligible for life.

    He did everything he could think of...lotsa calcium, lotsa potassium(huh?), lotsa protien, he even hung from a pair of gravity boots for a specified period of time each day, before his third and final test.

    Recruiter had Pat strip down, get weighed, and get his height measured...

    Recruiter: "are your heels flat on the floor?"

    Pat: "why don't you check and see?"

    Recruiter bends down an looks. Stories vary as to which heel it was, but up against the wall one of his heels had a $100 bill under it. Almost $700 value today. Bill was gone and Pat continued in the hiring process, and had a pretty good career.

    Last edited by UNM1136; 08-22-2023 at 01:39 PM.

  6. #6
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    Let's keep floating these nonpublished, semi-service related stories...

    Like "Death on a Sunny Afternoon", they help flesh out the Man...

    Louis was one of his best buds and got the finger and the "fuck you" so many of us have given coworkers....

    But then again the "Uptown Girl" video might just undercut my argument...


  7. #7
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    Por ejemplo....


    Mrs Ellen has a cameo as a backup dancer...and looks as out of place as the girl being the Uptown Girl....

    Not to brag too much, but I was on the "Global" email list, and a member of Lightfighter when it happened and was sent...


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