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Thread: AAR: Presscheck consulting No fail Pistol Goldendale WA 8/10-8/11

  1. #1
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    AAR: Presscheck consulting No fail Pistol Goldendale WA 8/10-8/11

    Location: Cerberus Training Group range, Goldendale WA hosted by Steven Shields.

    I am not really great at these kind of things, so I will try to be concise. Short review, Pressburg is an amazing trainer. If he is giving a class in your area, take it. He not only knows how to shoot and demonstrates everything, but he is extremely passionate about the material. He not only gives the how but the why to his drills and how they relate to real life situations. The class had 9 total students, 3 cops, 2 retired cops and two citizen shooters. There was no restrictions on gear as long as it was quality. Two shooters used appendix holsters from concealment, I had a OWB concealed carry holster and the rest used duty/competition style setups.

    Day 1 is all shooting on paper targets, specifically B8s. Most of the shooting is done from the 25 or 20 yard line, but there was a small portion of shooting from the 15 and one or two drills from the 10 yard line. Because shooting situations can be dynamic we shot freestyle, Strong hand and support hand.

    Day 2 started with a finish on the paper targets and then transitioned to steel. Most of the drills were fired static, but we ended the day with a shooting on the move drill that not only focused on good precision shooting, but being smooth on your feet to give a good platform to make those hits.

    Most of my previous training was in service department classes. I also completed the NRA LE Handgun instruction class taught by Jeff Hall (it was quite a bit better than the normal NRA class as Jeff added some of his own experiences and training to it) and handgun 2 and 3 from the firearms academy of Seatte. No Fail Pistol was by far the best class I have taken. The biggest thing that made it stand out was the passion behind the training. Chuck really relates how and why these drills can help in real life. The raw emotion that comes through with some of his stories can hit home and made me really feel like the training was worth it. I would not hesitate to take another class from Chuck, even if it was this same class again. I would highly recommend taking a class from Chuck if one comes any where close to your location. I have posted his upcoming classes below.
    Last edited by rathos; 08-19-2023 at 06:31 PM.

  2. #2
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    WA state
    I just wanted to make a post to show the kind of improvement that was able to be made from Chuck's classes. The first 25 yard 10 round group I shot in Chucks class was an 83 on a B8 with 124 grain ball ammo. Today, I started off with 10 rounds of 147grain gold Dot G2. I shot a 93 with 2 x. Below is the target. The best I shot today was a 96 with 3xes, but because only the cold targets count I didn't take any pictures of those.

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