BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”
Kind of beating a dead horse here, but...
The practice of completing significant R&D, proof of concept, and QC before rollout seems to be a sign of a dying breed. In my world, PE M&A is a rapidly growing and dynamic environment where the philosophy is to build the plane while flying it. There is no room for perfection. It is very much "now, not how." It doesn't surprise me to see this practice used by other industries. Over time, I suppose the consumer will adapt by lowering expectations. Trusting a brand is more of a crapshoot than ever. Sig continues to lead the charge in this area. I love the innovation they bring to the table, but my patience level for wasting time on new defective products may prompt me to choose a different product.
Still undecided for now.
It’s a common adage to not buy the first production year of a new model car. I do the same for SIG and most mass-manufactured products (except iPhone, admittedly). Just in recent memory, there’s been the primer smearing and dead tritium front sights of the P365, then tight chamber/throats and extractor issue with the Fuse. I had multiple issues with the Holosun EPS Carry shortly after they first came out and Springfield famously had numerous issues with the Prodigy after launch. Manufacturing quality issues get sorted relatively quickly. But when design problems are discovered, it might take until the next model release to see a solution.
Picked up an open emitter X compact at Murdoch’s yesterday for $359 with their current 10% off on optics. It’s replacing a 407k that just crapped out on me. Need to contact Holosun for repair. Mounted the X compact on the Macro, dialed it in and ran 50 rounds through it today. Compared to the Holosun, window a little larger, lens more clear and distortion free and the dot seems more refined to my slightly astigmatated eye. Similar overall size. No knock on the Holosun but I prefer the X compact for now. Will have to see how it endures with a higher round count.
I was talking to an associate from Florida last week. His Sheriff's Department is currently in the process of transitioning the 500+ sworn to the Glock 47 and EPS.
The SWAT team previously had planned on going with the Romeo X but found some sights lost zero with not a tremendous amount of use. Hopefully SIG has identified whatever the issue may have been with these particular batches.
One unknown (I didn't think to ask and if he mentioned I've forgotten) is whether or not these were the compact or the pro optics. I assume pro since they were mounted on Glock duty handguns.
Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Executive Director
National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association
I just watched Aaron Cowan's Romeo X compact enclosed review. Everything was going well until the 3rd drop. The front glass broke on this drop. The optic kept its zero but he was seeing two dots instead of one.
He tested the open emitter version awhile back. It passed the drop tests without window failure. He wonders if the heavier gun used with the enclosed is what led to the failure.
Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Executive Director
National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association
Broke the 300 round mark this afternoon. Not exactly a hard core endurance test but no shift on the dot and still running strong. The dot is definitely more of a dot than a blob compared to my Holosun 407/507/C/K’s. That’s only according to my slightly astigmatism eyeballs though. All eyeballs will vary. I’m digging it a lot so far and think it’s better than the Holosun performance-wise.
Romeo-X adjacent, but more info about an upcoming black ROMEO-M17 is starting to trickle out. I have an AXG that I am considering having cut for one of these:
BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”
My compact enclosed showed up today. I was planning on putting it on my CC9 whenever it arrives, but now I'm thinking I'll try and vet it on another pistol first.
There seems to be a sale going on for Sig optics. EuroOptic has open emitter Romeo X Compacts for about $300. Dack Outdoors has the 3 MOA open emitter Compact for $260 and the 6 MOA Compact for $272. For some reason the open emitter circle/2 MOA dot is still $400. The enclosed emitter 3 MOA is about $344. The enclosed 6 MOA isn’t on sale. I ordered two of the 6 MOA open emitter ones yesterday and they shipped today. That’s substantially faster than my last Dack Outdoors order which took a month and a half. Free shipping with code FS511 today. I got $5 shipping those FLAT5 yesterday. I sold my two small dot Compacts to coworkers and I’m all in on the big dots.
Last edited by WobblyPossum; 11-20-2024 at 11:52 PM.