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Thread: The 1937 Brazilian 45 ACP

  1. #1
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    Mesa, AZ

    The 1937 Brazilian 45 ACP

    A while back a gun smith friend gave me this gun. It had been given to him as compensation for services rendered. It's a 1937 S&W 45 ACP contract for the Brazilian government. This one still sports the original 5.5" barrel, with a humongous front sight and base added. The top strap has been milled for a S&W adjustable rear sight - the original was the standard, fixed gutter sight. Interestingly the unknown guy who put this together did nothing to the internals. It was as issued back in the '30s.

    Attachment 105012

    Someone in the past had attempted to turn it into a target revolver (like in the 1950s) but it wasn't a ver good representation of the breed. My friend hang on to it for a while but admitted to me he was never going to shoot it. Since he knew I had a 45 ACP revolver already, my blue steel 45 ACP Mountain Gun, he thought I might like it. Needless to say I didn't. I even shot it once with little need to go into details.

    Took it back to the now retired gun smith who had given it to me and we discussed what it would take to make it a usable firearm for me. After several months f beating on it, as the spirit moved him, he gave me this:

    Attachment 105013

    It now sports a 3.5" barrel; a full length soldered on rib - contoured to fit the shape of the old barrel: a fixed rear sight that's fitted tightly enough in the milled out top strap and anchored with a serious screw to hopefully lend some strength; and a re-shaped trigger meant for DA only shooting.

    It looks kind of funky because it's dirty from a 48 round (Mooncliped of course) shooting session. I've had it out three times now, last time being yesterday, and I like this old warrior better every time I shoot it. My gun smith to an already "ruined" gun from ugly an not useful to "ain't that a hoot!" I smile every time I pick it up.


  2. #2
    I am not seeing the pictures. This is a cool project.

  3. #3
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    Mesa, AZ
    I don't know what the (expletive deleted) happened. When I "previewed" the post the pictures were there. Now it has these Attachment Numbers, which I don't have a clue what to do with. If someone, like an administrator, knows what they mean and can find the pictures I'd sure appreciate it. I am not computer smart enough to fix this.


  4. #4
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    Mesa, AZ
    I wonder if this might work:

    Name:  DSC00249.jpg
Views: 577
Size:  99.5 KB

    Name:  fullsizeoutput_322.jpg
Views: 610
Size:  34.3 KB


  5. #5
    Site Supporter jandbj's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Looks amazing!

  6. #6
    Site Supporter Trooper224's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Oh yes, macho.
    We may lose and we may win, but we will never be here again.......

  7. #7
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    It almost makes me want to get my 1955 target model cut down, almost.

  8. #8
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    Southwest Pennsylvania
    What a transformation! The front sight on the "before" picture must have made the gun shoot a foot or more low at 25 yards, unless the shooter had a serous lack of recoil control. The "after" picture looks like a genuinely nice, very useful revolver.

  9. #9
    I'd be curious to see what it would look like with a round-butt, but other than that, it looks purposeful, and totally hot.



  10. #10
    oh I like that

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