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Thread: Shithole Cities

  1. #21
    To answer the above question why cities are shit holes in every case it’s the exact same thing maybe just done a little bit different way sometimes

    If you’re not from a larger metropolis, every larger metropolis will be a shit hole in your opinion (and likely correctly so)

    I don’t think there’s a major city that doesn’t have a shitty part…. what’s sad is how some of those smaller cities let themselves become shit holes

  2. #22
    Member feudist's Avatar
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    Murderham, the Tragic City
    Birmingham, Alabama.
    Extremely high reported property crime. Reporting is very manipulated(downward) by the admin, and the local businesses, media and chamber of commerce cheer leads for the deception.
    Ridiculous levels of violent crime...hugely underplayed unless it involves click-worthy subject matter. You know...
    An incredibly enabling Juvenile court system, simultaneously overwhelmed and contributory, with beyond lunatic leftist judges who verge on co-conspiracy, and are 100% down for the most hug-a-thug policies and rulings you can't even imagine. Once they "graduate" to the big boy jail, the older, grown inmates live in abject fear of the mindlessly hysterical and utterly pointless violence the kids are capable of.

    The Criminal courts are fecally impacted, with every detention facility in the state, from prisons to the local hoosegows so overcrowded(and under consent decree) from a laughably large career criminal population that nothing short of Biblical plague or someone going through with a flamethrower will ever make enough of a splash to wipe up. So the ball rolls downhill from the courts to the district attorney to the screening prosecutors to the detectives to drop every case possible for any reason imaginable...sometimes just by magicking them away. Burglary is trespassing, attempted murder is felony assault pled down to misdemeanor. Sentence suspended, concurrent, split, abeyed, diverted("He smokes weed, your honor, he needs rehab...")
    Witness fails to show after the 15th postponement? Toss the case. Detective 15 minutes late? Toss the case. Defendants first time committing this exact crime? Toss.

    Two decades plus of "homeless" shite infesting the downtown business areas, parks and all the libraries(you risk cholera, diphtheria, scabies and lice going to the downtown library. Or being assaulted by a "teen" left there as after-school daycare). They were cleared out for the World Games, though. Which was a financial disaster that resembled the 2008 crisis mixed with the withdrawal from Afghanistan. ( it did result in a salutary incident though. A trio of German athletes were jumped by a quintuple set of the Usual Suspects.
    Only the timely arrival of West Precinct officers saved the yutes from physical mutilation, though not utter humiliation. To the vast amusement of the coppers.

    25 plus years of criminally mismanaged infrastructure, from water to sewage to simple road maintenance.
    It's so despised by literally everyone that every city around it is willing to cut off their own nose for spite, merely to oppose or inconvenience it. No one who works for it wants to live there, and the population has shrunk so much so fast that it's now the second largest city in the state, behind Huntsville...which not so long ago was a sleepy town known for the NASA rocket center and nothing else. Soon, it'll be third.
    The only reason it exists as a corporate entity is the UAB hospital system. Absent that(and the UAB Emergency Room, which alone keeps the homicide rate under that of Juarez) it would be a burned out post-apocalyptic wasteland in a decade. The parts that already aren't, that is.

    In the 90s, Mayor-For-Life Arrington led a city that was consistently placed in the nation's top 10 for per-capita he opened a chain of funeral parlors in the Hood.
    He was accused of many things, but missing an opportunity wasn't one.

  3. #23
    Recovering Revolverist Totem Polar's Avatar
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    @feudist, now that was the rant this thread needs.

    Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos.
    -George W. Bush

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by feudist View Post
    In the 90s, Mayor-For-Life Arrington led a city that was consistently placed in the nation's top 10 for per-capita he opened a chain of funeral parlors in the Hood.
    He was accused of many things, but missing an opportunity wasn't one.

  5. #25
    Site Supporter Caballoflaco's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    Away, away, away, down.......
    @feudist I am saddened that the forum software only allows me one like to give. That was beautiful.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Kanye Wyoming View Post
    Smaller city shitholes in my neck of the woods:

    Reading, PA. Total shithole.

    Harrisburg, PA. State capital and mega shithole.

    Newark, NJ. Need I say more? Except there are a few ethnic neighborhoods that are more or less safe and have some kickass restaurants.

    Trenton, NJ. Just don’t.

    Atlantic City, NJ. Scary, with a nice ocean breeze.

    On the other side of the ledger, Pittsburgh is really nice. Bethlehem is charming. Easton used to be a real shithole but has been on the upswing over the past several years.
    You forgot Camden and Philly

    Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

  7. #27
    Member feudist's Avatar
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    Murderham, the Tragic City
    Quote Originally Posted by randyho View Post
    Hand to God it was a prestige planting by the Rat cognoscenti.

  8. #28
    Site Supporter Paul D's Avatar
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    My personal experience only:

    Paris, France
    Harare, Zimbabawe
    Lusaka, Zambia.
    Apache Junction, AZ
    El Paso, TX
    Detroit, MI
    St. Louis, MO
    New Orleans, LA: I went to school here. If you are a young at heart person, it is a fun place to explore. It is a shithole but it has great eats and is the BEST ran town in the 3rd world.

  9. #29
    Site Supporter Kanye Wyoming's Avatar
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    A little too close to New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by 4RNR View Post
    You forgot Camden and Philly
    I did forget Camden, and for that I am self-flagellating. That’s like being asked to name sub-100 IQ vice presidents and forgetting our current one. I must have bleached it from my mind, as Camden may well be the shithole di tutti shitholes.

    Philadelphia, on the other hand, while having the makings of a shithole if the mayoral primary goes a certain way tonight, is not quite there yet. Several large swaths of the city are in fact shitholes, and there’s no way I’d allow a child of mine to go to Temple. But Center City, the historic area, a good portion of South Philly, and certain other neighborhoods, are still hanging in there and are mostly — mostly — insulated from the chaos elsewhere. Maybe like the Green Zone in Baghdad?

  10. #30
    Recovering Revolverist Totem Polar's Avatar
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    Is anyone else picking up an overarching vibe on the responses to this thread?

    Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos.
    -George W. Bush

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