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Thread: Instructions for becoming a site supporter...

  1. #1

    Instructions for becoming a site supporter...

    Access to is free for anyone who wishes to point a browser here. With the exception of the private Staff forum and similar areas for special groups such as the site's S.M.E.'s, everything is available for viewing at no charge.

    For those who wish greater access to forum resources, or just want to help keep running, we offer a special Site Supporter option. As a Site Supporter you get:

    • A mailbox limit of 1000 Private Messages instead of the standard 100 as well as the ability to PM up to five people at a time (standard is 2).
    • Ability to upload substantially larger avatars as well as animated avatars.
    • Ability to upload substantially larger profile pictures as well as animated profile pictures.
    • Permission to use links (email and URL) in signatures.
    • "Site Supporter" user title which can be edited to almost anything you want.
    • Fully customizable Profile page.
    • Ability to upload 50MB of file attachments to your account for sharing with others in posts or PMs. The limit for regular members is 5MB.
    • Permission to post in the FSOT ("For Sale or Trade") area. Regular members can read FSOT posts but cannot list items for sale.
    • Fewer ads.

    Our goal with the Site Supporter tag is to provide some quality-of-life improvements for those who want to help sustain while continuing to provide complete access and service to anyone who registers for free.

    If you are interested in becoming a Site Supporter, follow signup here:

    Where you'll have the option of selecting a one-time payment or a recurring one.

    For questions or to report any problems with the subscription service, please reply to this thread. And to everyone who signs up as a Site Supporter, we thank you!

    The Staff
    Last edited by Tom_Jones; 10-04-2015 at 05:29 PM. Reason: updated with latest benefits

  2. #2
    We are diminished
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Congratulations to our first five Site Supporters who won lifetime subscriptions for being the first people to register at!

    • derekb
    • lairdb
    • t1tan
    • joshs
    • TheNewbie

  3. #3
    We are diminished
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Also, as announced over at, we'll be giving away Site Supporter memberships at random to five people who register by noon Eastern Standard Time on Sunday 27-Feb.

    If you pay for a Site Supporter subscription before then and get picked, you will of course receive a full refund!

  4. #4
    Site Supporter
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Off Camber

  5. #5
    Licorice Bootlegger JDM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Nobody is impressed by what you can't do. -THJ

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    The Sierras

    I was going to become a site supporter anyways because it gives me a good feeling contributing to what I think is already the most useful shooting blog on the Internet and now possibly one of the best forums.

    However, the cheap in me says to wait and see if I win first.

    God Bless,

  7. #7
    Our five newest Site Supporters chosen at random for a free membership are:

    416 — sabu71
    382 — Chad
    316 — jeffmoline
    243 — p2000cool
    59 — Tom Givens
    Your accounts will be modified shortly. Congratulations from the Staff!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    West of Philly
    Congrats, folks!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Northern VA
    Why am I always a day late???

    Any way, congratulations

  10. #10
    Just joined the "supporter" ranks.

    Thanks, Todd for this forum, where Adults gather....


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