Just dry firing, the recoil spring feels quite a bit heavier than in previous Gen 10mm pistols!
Just dry firing, the recoil spring feels quite a bit heavier than in previous Gen 10mm pistols!
Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.
Thanks GJM!
I put an RMR 06 on my G20.5 MOS - mostly because I had the optic and an FCD Glock MOS plate.
This was the first shot at 10 yards.
At that point I should have quit for the day.
Nah, needs three clicks or so down so you won't be high at 25 yards!
On two different scales, the still new trigger measures just under five pounds. The grip cavity seems smaller than on a 17, as the grip plugs from a 17 won't fit -- maybe that was part of keeping the grip smaller.
Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.
Instructor/540 Training
Hey bitches, this is a scholarly thread, no p talk!
Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.
Heading to the range soon, looking forward to initial shooting impressions. Handling it, the pistol feels large, and enough bigger than a 19 that it is really noticeably larger. I wish the slide had deeper serrations on the front sides and on top, like a Maple Leaf Duty cut, as it is a bear to rack the slide. With cold/wet hands, I imagine it will be even harder to rack. I ordered the mag shims and extra power mag springs from 460Rowland.com, recommended by Clusterfrack, but am hoping the gun runs without them. Metal mags in the FN may be an advantage in a heavy recoiling pistol.
Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.