Website appears to have worked fine for order #12 to include order notification email. Any chance you will be making any of the 38 short colt you posted about in this thread:!
I may do a run in the future. Availability of brass is a significant issue, as Starline is the only supplier, and getting an order filled can be a rather inconsistent experience. Funny thing is that the .38 Short Colt is essentially a shortened version of a .38 Special, but the brass cost more than standard .38 Special does, even though it uses less material. One would think that it would cost less.
However they probably sell 100X more .38 Special than they do .38 Short Colt brass, so the down time of having to stop production and reconfigure to cut and stamp the Short Colt brass is probably why it makes sense that there is a difference in price.
The little .38 Short Colts are definitely very cool little cartridges and make shooting a J Frame fun again!
9mm ordered!
Quoting myself here...
As soon as I said that about availability, I checked this morning and sure as heck they are now available!
So I have some .38 Short Colt brass coming.
As soon as I receive them and get them produced, I will let you guys know, as it is very much a niche kind of market, but such a cool little cartridge and a phenomenal little cartridge for low recoil fun.
Now if someone wanted to convince a big company to produce a revolver with a cylinder and frame shortened specifically for the cartridge, that would make a super cool little gun. We all know the odds of that, but it would still be very cool.
Maybe if we called it the .38 Creedmoor!
I bought 500 of these from @Lost River store the company existed and they’re the BEST snubby load I’ve shot and ejected from m J frames and LCR’s and 856’s. Convinced me to buy the dies to reload the little guys.
I know! Call it the 38 Smith & Wesson!
No, wait... that sounds familiar somehow
Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem
I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude
-Thomas Jefferson
I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.