I will definitely be buying some .38 special wadcutters soon, and hopefully a hat and or T-shirt with that logo.
Thank you for all the fine comments and compliments. I have been off the site for a bit dealing with various issues related to credit card side of things. Hopefully that is now wrapped up. Through no small amount of dealings, I have discovered that many of the major credit card processing players are pushing their social justice agendas through their businesses.
They do not mention this at first. Outfits like both Stripe and Square, let you sign up, then ask for social security numbers, bank account information, and other personal information (data mining). Then after they get all of that personal information, and get you set up, they tell you that they will not do business with any company that sells firearms, firearms parts, ammo, or items that can "cause harm". Since it is pretty obvious right from the start, that the business sells ammunition and is in the name of the company, I would say that what they are doing is nothing less than gathering personal information for their own benefit and nothing more.
Anyways, I finally have crossed that bridge and through research found a safe and secure, 2A friendly CC processing company.
Now I just have to deal with the logistics and growing pains. Normal things such as my printer not interfacing with my computer, so I can't make labels
* The 148 grain hardcast +p 9mm is back in stock. It is a super popular item, to say the least. I will do my best to keep up with demand for it.
* I have .44 mag components coming, so I expect to have the mid-range 240 SWC load in stock within a couple weeks.
* A few guys over on the 24Hour Campfire have been using the 45 Colt, 10MM and . +P 250 Grain 45 ACP on hogs and Whitetail and have been making very positive reports back about the effectiveness. The .45 Colt load seems to be pretty popular for Whitetail.
* As far as the pay by cash option, if you don't want to use a credit card, and just want to send a check, money order, cash in an envelope or something else, you can send a message and we can figure it out. Some folks are not comfortable with credit cards over the net, or have other issues and just want to do things the old fashioned way, and that is fine.
Always appreciate the positive comments. That older daughter of mine is half wild, but mostly in a good way. One thing for sure, she has been taught to fend for herself, is very strong willed and been taught that she can do whatever she wants if she puts her mind to it.
I may in the future do another run of .38 Short Colt. If/When I do, I will make sure I bring it up on here.
*Uncle Gabby,
I have been discussing T-shirts and hats, but that is on the back burner at the moment. I do believe in the future that it will happen though.
Now with all that said,
This is L.L.'s site.
I have not paid my advertising dues to him and I don't want to step over the line which I feel like I am with all the attention. When I get some money ahead here in the near future, I will get that taken care of, but right now its a bit tough for personal reasons elsewhere.
Thanks everyone for the support. I very much appreciate it
The website is now functioning!
This weekend will be the test to see how things go. I had been struggling with making sure the credit card part was working as it should and now it appears that it is, so we are up and running.
There are still a few little things I am seeing on the website that need to be addressed to make it more user friendly and navigable. But hopefully it will get going and growing.
Hoping to get some pics back from customers in the future who have used the ammo during their hunts. For now though, I just need to get some product out and get things going finally!
This next week I have components shipping in for .44 Mag and Special. I have a good bit of .44 Special brass on hand and have just been waiting on more projectiles, so the .44 Specials will be in production the first part of the week, while I wait for the Magnum brass to arrive. The punchline is that it will be coming very soon!
Both the mid range .44/240 SWC and the heavy 300 grain load.
Hashtag soon!![]()
[MENTION=4952]Lost River[/MENTION], what do you think about a 9mm revolver load?
- 147 (or heavier?)
- hard cast
- wide meplat
- crimped to resist bullet pull
Instructor/540 Training
It literally sounds like you are describing the +P 148 grain flat point 9mm load I do.
It has a rather significant crimp on it already, as I have found that that is best for functioning in lighter weight/smaller pistols as well as full size guns. I have shot thousands of rounds of this load doing development and testing in various guns, and there have been zero issues with bullet pull (since they are crimped properly).
I have not tried it in any small 9mm chambered revolvers.
Instructor/540 Training